My morning began early, as did Cher’s. We drove to Saskatoon together just shortly after 6:00am, and she dropped me off at City Hospital right around 6:45. I registered quickly and painlessly, and was directed to the women’s health clinic.
I didn’t talk about it in detail here, but I had a test done in March where a doctor inserted saline solution into my uterus and took a really good investigative look around in there. I tried to rebook the appointment, because it was right in the thick of Brady’s stay at rehab, and you may or may not remember, but I had ZERO capacity for extra anything. However, I could not reschedule without fully cancelling, and the doctor who was on the books to do it was about to go on sabbatical. So, I went through with it. Turns out, they found at least one decent sized piece of scar tissue that could very well be affecting my fertility. Even if I were to become pregnant with it in there, it could actually cause growth restriction.
So, even with everything going on as it is, Brady and I do not feel ready to completely close the book on our fertility. So today turned out to be the day I went in to have the adhesion removed.
It was actually a pretty fast paced morning once I got there. I sat in a waiting room for about ten minutes, and then I was brought in for a covid test. My first one. I passed! 🥇While the rapid response machine worked, I was talked through the lead up, the procedure, and the after. It all seemed pretty straight forward. I signed some waivers, and was walked to a room to change into a gown, robe, and slippers. It was a look. I put everything else into a locker, and was brought to another room right away where I answered some more questions, and laughed my way through a couple of unsuccessful IV attempts before we got it right.
Before I was finished in that room, my OB came in to touch base and ask if I had any questions or needed any clarification. My main question was about my previous D&C. I was curious how they were similar and different. They said it was similar, but on a much smaller scale pain- and recovery-wise. She then asked about Brady, which I thought was really lovely and a lovely example of a doctor going the extra mile. When all was done, I was walked to yet another room and wrapped up in a warm blanket to wait.
I only waited maybe five minutes before it was time to go.
I was taken into a procedure room and put up on a bed. Rather that stirrups, they hooked my knees up, which was vastly more comfortable. My favorite part of this story is my sedation nurse. I wish I remembered her name. She was SO warm to me. She stayed by my side and reminded me that her entire job was to make sure I was comfortable, so if I felt at all uncomfortable, she would absolutely help me. She was very reassuring. She told me what medications she was putting into my IV, and it was explained to me that I would be conscious and awake, but likely I wouldn’t remember much, if anything.
I was to receive three medication. Gravol was first. Next was a relaxant. That did its job beautifully, because I don’t remember the third medication going in. But what I do remember is my nurse laying her hand right on my hairline, and gently rubbing my forehead. I would lull here and there through the procedure. I think I told her stories. I remember apologizing to her, saying I probably didn’t make sense, and she told me I was doing just fine. Her hand was still there.
I don’t know about you guys, but I am a touch person. If I laughed with a stranger in a public place, I would often touch their shoulder. I like touch. I’ve missed touch. I think touch is SO special, so I really notice it in a different way in these months where no one touches each other anyone.
The men who helped build our lake deck hugged me when they left.
Dr Guselle touched my arm when she noticed the scars where I anxiously pick.
And today, my nurse who had a hand on me through my entire procedure.
I don’t remember everything finishing up, but I lulled awake in a recliner, once again wrapped in a warm blanket. I dozed in and out for about an hour. I kept water down, so I was given juice and digestive cookies. That worked too, so I just had to pee.
Buuuuut I was too asleep and considering I had been required to fast beforehand, the fluids just weren’t ready yet. They told me I was allowed to leave without peeing, but to come back in if I couldn’t pee within a couple of hours.
Spoiler alert. I can pee now.
Cher took me home 💜 Per nurses orders, we stopped for coffee along the way, because it would motivate my peeing. And it sounded good to me so I knew my stomach could handle it. Woot!
We brought home three americano nuevos for us three adults, and since then, I’ve pretty much been in bed.
So. So. Tired. I’ve slept a lot.
But its been ok, honestly. I have no regrets. If all of this craziness blows over and I never get pregnant again, so be it. But if we do decide to try again somewhere down the road, then I know my uterus is ready.
Tomorrow I’ll show you a few cute pictures from today 🙂 Buuuuut I don’t have the energy tonight.
All in all, I am tired, but I am content. Thats my story for the day. What a big Monday!