What is a Physiatrist?

A couple of days ago, Brady got a phone call from City Hospital saying he had a physiatrist appointment scheduled.

We had never heard that title before! Have you? What in the world is a physiatrist?

So. Learning time. A physiatrist is a physician who specializes in rehabilitation and physical medicine. That includes things like brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, neuromuscular, sports injuries, pain management, and everything in between. They are busy, and specialized. Today, we met Dr. Linassi.

Brady’s mouth 😆

It was a pretty long appointment, but we went through the motions with a nurse, then two residents, and then the doctor himself. That man was a ball of energy, let me tell you!! But he was fun. When he came in for his part of the appointment, he insisted the residents sat in the chairs. I was seated in the other chair, and Brady was on the exam table, so the doctor helped himself to Brady’s wheelchair. I LOVED that! He really seemed to burst at the seams with information and energy, but he had lots to offer, and he was so happy with how Brady was doing. Everyone in the room agreed that we were “making it.” Dr. Linassi exclaimed “You can void independently??” and came a big thumbs up. It was pretty great, actually, to have someone celebrate those victories with us. Its stuff people don’t think about, which is fine, but in the world of spinal cord injuries, Brady is doing better than many they see come through their facility, for which we are incredibly grateful 💜

The appointment was a long one, but we thank Cher for offering to hang with the kids so we could go together. We would always rather go to these things together, and it was a really lovely thing.

Today’s appointment ✔️
Blood draw ✔️

Tomorrow’s rehab appointment –
Pick up chemo for weekend –

Please continue to carry us in prayer.

A Bestie Date

Today was a much anticipated day away 💜Last week, Cher invited me to spend some time at her house, getting our craftiness on, alongside some delicious food and guilty pleasure tv. And that day finally came! Once the four kids had left for school, Cher came to pick me up for the day.

I was told to arrive hungry, and that I did. And good thing! While we watched Christmas episodes of our favorite shows, Cher cooked up some apple cinnamon perogies and bacon, with iced coffee on the side. It. Was. Delicious. Those perogies were unreal. Seriously, sprinkled with some icing sugar. Superb.

Lunch was battered shrimp and pickles done up in the air fryer, with a jones soda on the side. Deeeeelicious!

Are you drooling yet?

We watched through all of the Christmas episodes from the Office, Parks and Rec, and Schitts Creek, and then we got a hankering for some Crazy Rich Asians, so we watched that. Meanwhile, I finished off one project and started another, and Cher worked on her project. We talked and watched and worked and ate and generally just soaked up each others awesomeness. We were productive, but relaxed, and completely enjoyed our time together. Yes, I am so confident that I’m speaking for both of us! It was a beautiful day together.

Thank you, Cher, for inviting me over for the day 💜 I anticipate more of these in the future! I love you!

To Our Little *insert noun here*

I don’t know what to call you. An angel. A little birdy. A nifty gifty fairy. An elf. Or a thoughtful neighbour and caring friend.

I don’t know who you are, but you do.


Yesterday afternoon, as I sat on my recliner and crocheted, I heard the squeak of our mailbox. I looked up to see you gingerly walking down our ramp towards your vehicle. We can always hear people walking up our ramp, so you had to have been walking very carefully, very quietly. Good move. Once you were off the ramp, you jogged to your vehicle, got into the passengers side, and off you went.

I saw the back of you. Your hair was really nicely done. I love the colour, by the way. I saw your jacket. And I saw your car. Also very nice. I worked to place you, but I couldn’t. Your sneak attack mission was a success.

Curiosity got the best of me, and I immediately got up from my chair and went to check the mail. I suspected a Christmas card, perhaps, or maybe someone was dropping something off that you had borrowed.

And what I found was a gift. A present. A thoughtful one. For Brady and I.

Jammie shorts. Festive jammie shorts. Festive jammie shorts with trees. And elves. In wheelchairs.

I had posted a shorty rant on Facebook the other day about how much pajamas cost, and it became a whole conversation among friends. I had zero expectation of anyone buying these shorts for us.

Yet I can say that having them is SO incredible. Not just because they’re something I want because soft and Christmas and flannel and whatever. But because they’re a first for us. Inclusive clothing, if you will. Who’s to say none of Santa’s elves are in wheelchairs? No one knows for sure 😉

Maybe it doesn’t make all the sense in the world, but it feels like we’re representing 💪and I’m proud to be.

So is Brady 😂

He wasn’t ready to be in boxers in front of my mom, hahaha! But you’d better believe he rocked his boxers over his sweats for the rest of the day!

We tried to take selfies but it didn’t work out, lol!

Whoever you are, you brought some real joy to our home yesterday, and again today, and likely for many days in the future. Your thoughtfulness is immeasurable, and your generosity the same. I will politely bow out of the search for you, because I know that isn’t the point, but please know how much we appreciate your gift and your heart. Thank you for wanting to bless us. We feel it.

Love Hailey and Brady

Brady Went to Work

Brady the guest poster today!

Yesterday I was given the chance to try out a little bit of paid work for the first time since my surgery. A friend of mine contacted me and said he was painting a hallway in a commercial building and thought I might the chance to stretch my legs and see what I was capable of. And I accepted. 

There were three of us there and the other two guys did all the prep work so I didn’t have to bend down too far or put myself in a precarious position. 

My friend then handed me a paint roller with an extension handle and asked if I thought I could reach the whole wall from my wheelchair. I was able to but I felt limited in how much I could move so I stood up. And I was able to stand and balance while I PAINTED!! 

It felt so good to be able to work and contribute and not be a hindrance. I was even able to push my paint tray along and I painted a whol 10’ x 40’ wall. TWICE! Primer and then colour. 

It was a total of 4 hours but there was lots of coffee and visiting interspersed. I was actually working for maybe 1.5 to 2 hrs. And my back was sore after. But not painful. Just a ‘I worked a solid day’ kinda sore. It feels good! 

My back is a bit tighter today than usual but no more than a good workout would effect me the next day. 

I can’t wait to keep doing little jobs like this and slowly build my strength and endurance again. 

Turns out I CAN still contribute to society! 😃

Getting Stuff Out the Door

I will admit that I felt really productive today. Not because I actually finished any projects or completed any big household tasks that were on my list. Whoops. Neglect. But I did ONE big thing!! And it felt good!

I got a couple of crochet orders out the door and into the mail! I felt like I succeeded, which was a win I ended up needing today.

There are still orders on the go that need to be done for Christmas. If you’re waiting for something from me, no, your order is not too much 💜I wouldn’t have said yes if I couldn’t swing it. I promise. Just to one side of me, I have two projects sitting on the bookshelf. One big one upstairs. That one is intimidating. And I have a couple that I currently still need yarn for, but will work up fast once I have it. Next time I’m in the city, I’ll have everything I need!

I feel quite shaky and anxious today, so I’m deeply anticipating an evening spent in bed, tucked in with a heating pad, crocheting, with Netflix on in the background. It helps my brain feel at peace, and my hands not to shake. My feet have been ice cold all day, so the heating pad will help. I’m going to be sooooo cozy.

I hope you all have a comfy evening, just like me.

Productive and Enjoyable

I am really anticipating today. Today will be productive and enjoyable. I already know this, and its not even 9am. Soon, Cher will be here. She, Brady, and I will have toast and coffee. And then we will get to our stuff.

My plan is to crochet somewhere comfy, and get things done! I am SO looking forward to this! We will watch tv, or movies, or listen to music, or just chat. But we will be restful while productive. Low pressure productive 🙂

My plan is to crochet somewhere comfy, and get things done! I have two blankets in the works for different people, and while they’re very important projects, they haven’t been at the top of the list, as I’ve had bigger fish to fry. But today is blanket day! At least so far, thats the plan. I make no promises, haha!

In between crocheting, to take breaks, I’m going to start making possibly the largest Christmas card list of all times! If I can send a card to everyone who has supported us in any this year, I will! If you don’t think you’re on the list but you’d like to be, please be in touch. We have lots coming, and the proofs look amazing!! I had the pleasure of seeing the design yesterday, and I can’t wait!!

And throughout the whole day of play, we have Wavy and Solly home. They usually opt to be out in the garage with Brady, but if not, they’ll be in the house with Cher and I. Its been fun, though. They occupy each other beautifully, and play SO nicely together. Just this morning, Solly was stringing buttons onto string to make Wavy necklaces, and Wavy has been interpretive dancing in the living room with our throw pillows. Its been cute already, and it will only get cuter!

I’m grateful for the day, however it turns out 💜 But its definitely looking good so far!

One of Those Seasons

There are seasons of blogging where I don’t feel like I have a lot I can share. Usually it means I’m keeping a secret. Like, a pregnancy. Thats when I feel it the most. Those first weeks of pregnancy are miserable for finding anything else to talk about! This time around, I do not have some awesome epic secret. No pregnancy. Not because I don’t want one, because we’re advised suuuuuper against pregnancy while Brady is doing chemo, obviously. I can tell you why my head is so full, but unfortunately, nothing too exciting.

Man I am really selling todays post, hey?

The simpler part of me not having much to talk about is the fact that I’m crocheting up a storm but its aaaaall Christmas gifts, and I can’t really share them publicly! I know one of the lovely people who has ordered from me has said I’m free to share, and maybe I will down the road. She ordered a whole stack of stuff, and it has felt like an awesome goal working it all out! Like that one, I’ve completed a couple of orders that I’ve truly enjoyed, and its been fun to be commissioned to make beautiful things 💜Its an honour to be asked. So, understandably, I can’t really share too much on this home front, and its been keeping me pretty busy.

On the flip side, we’ve been doing a LOT of house stuff over here. Its not a secret that we deeply desire to move. Not far, as we LOVE our home, and our neighbours. We are NOT eager to leave our people, but we do need a different house. There is no modification that we could make here to make it user friendly for Brady long term. And the longer we wait to move, the further away our tax years of income will be behind us. So we’ve been continually searching for ways to make it happen. For a minute there, we thought we had found a way. We had everything in order, but then things hit a snag and we’re back at square one again. Getting this mortgage is just seemingly impossible. I’ll admit, I had hoped to approach businesses to possible grant us donations or something along those lines, but with our gofundme not being tax deductible, it seems like less of a possibility. The door has not closed, but its leaned in that direction. *in a cheesy announcer voice* We are still accepting any or all ideas and suggestions on how to move forward on these things 😆When we thought we had a workable idea nailed down, I abandoned some of the other directions, but I think I may need to buckle down and write a letter to a few places. All of this said, while nothing big has happened, we’ve been teetering on the precipice of whether or not our build will come to be, and its been hard to share where we’re at when we don’t even know.

There you have it. Lots to share, and lots that I can’t, and lots that I don’t even know. You have my heart now.

Brady in Winter

We’re only just opened the door to winter weather this season, but it has me up in arms. Change is hard, and I’m here for it, but as I’ve said before, I’m very nervous for winter.

After our first big dump of snow, we realized we hadn’t taken the mat off of our trampoline. We figured we’d wait it out, as the first snow of the season almost never stays. But if you’re from here, you know. It stayed. Once we had come to terms with that, we had to get to it and get the job done.

Brady was pretty insistent that he would do it. He said it would be really hard, especially with everything being frozen already. I was pretty insistent that I would do it. Getting out to the backyard would be well over half the battle. These days, I almost always win that argument. But he was determined. Quick recap.

A person either needs to go down the stairs to the entrance, down the few stairs into the basement, out the back man door, and walk across our yard to get to the trampoline, or they could go out the back door onto the deck, and go down the tall set of composite stairs. Add to this icy conditions and the inability to feel your legs. And, what the heck, add some crazy heavy winter boots to it. Sounds good, right?

If this is not determination, I don’t know what is. 🥺💜

We made a deal. He had his phone on him, and if at any point, it felt a little treacherous, he would call me. Even if it meant I’d just walk alongside him, I’d be there to help support him.

I did not receive a call. He was fine. Capable. He was happy to be outside. And I was relieved. Relieved that he could be outside in winter. And relieved that he didn’t fall.

Once some of this crazy weather has wrapped up, I’m eager to go for a walk as a family. Brady has good “winter tires” for his chair, and his Batec attachment has the same, so I’m hopeful we could actually make our way around all together. But, for now, this worked 💜 I am so proud of Brady and his determination.

Giving Up?

This morning, before it got crazy out, I went with Cher to pick her dog up from the vet. The drive there was completely fine, and just started raining/snowing as we arrived at the office. Once we had pup in hand, we were back on the road!

It was a lot more slick on the drive home already, but we made it safe. I made friends with Cher’s dogs while she printed something off for Brady, and then she took me back home.

I had bundled up good and proper for our drive, so I had long johns on under my jeans, with tall socks. Once I settled in at home, it was clear I was far too dressed, so naturally, being that I was completely kid-free, I took my pants off.

Which took effort!! I finally got out of my pants that I lay in bed in long johns, not willing to put more effort into actually getting comfortable in reasonable clothing.

The afternoon passed quickly, as an adults downtime often does, and suddenly, it was 3pm and I had to go pick the kids up. No way were they walking home today! I figured I could start the van and come back in and wait, or I could start it, drive there, and let it warm up there. I grabbed some crocheting and, in full denial of winter, I abandoned the idea of a coat and ran outside without one.

I also neglected to wear pants.

So thats how I come to be at pick-up in long underwear in the middle of a blizzard.

This was probably not my most responsible choice, but it gave the kids and I had a good laugh while I drove them home. Our kids always walk with a little boy who lives nearby, so we grabbed him on the way too, and he laughed and laughed, and we agreed that it was good I didn’t have to actually exit the van at any point. He liked that I called them “underwear pants.”

At least they’re cute, right??

The real question – Does this constitute fully giving up? Or denial? Or defiance? Or stupidity? Or success?

Probably a healthy mix of all of the above. I’ll take it.

Kids Toques

I think I’ve mentioned it before, but I have been working to make the kids toques for this winter. You may have seen a couple of them already, but here they all are, in one place 🙂 Now that they’re finally all done, I’m ready to show you.

They began back in summer. I made Dekker’s toque in August. His is the most plain. Bulky grey, very soft, with ear flaps, as per his request. He really likes it, and it does the job!

Laela’s is next. Hers was finished pretty recently. This is the third toque in a row that she has requested to be a cupcake. I went a little less obvious with this one, but she still buys it as a cupcake toque. If she ever just wanted it to be a toque toque, I would lose the cherry and add a pompom. Boom.

Rowan asked for a fox, yet again. I can’t find a picture of him wearing it where it doesn’t look completely wonky, so you’ll have to take my word for it. It is the cutest fox toque pattern I’ve ever seen. The nose dips down so nicely to keep his forehead extra warm, and it dips down by the ears, also. Its a total win.

Solly’s toque is the last one I finished, actually. He couldn’t nail down what he wanted, and I wanted him to choose because he is oddly specific about what he wears, and if he didn’t like his toque, I knew it would be a battle to get him to wear it. We settled on bananas, and I have no regrets! His toque is definitely bananas!

And I know I’ve showed you Wavy’s before. Strawberries. Its a little big, but she can wear a ponytail in there if she wants, and all is well. She likes it, and I like it, so all works out!

There you have it! Toques for all! I have made a couple others this season, too, but I’ll show you them at a later date 🙂 For today, these are all cute enough!