A couple of days ago, Brady got a phone call from City Hospital saying he had a physiatrist appointment scheduled.
We had never heard that title before! Have you? What in the world is a physiatrist?
So. Learning time. A physiatrist is a physician who specializes in rehabilitation and physical medicine. That includes things like brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, neuromuscular, sports injuries, pain management, and everything in between. They are busy, and specialized. Today, we met Dr. Linassi.

It was a pretty long appointment, but we went through the motions with a nurse, then two residents, and then the doctor himself. That man was a ball of energy, let me tell you!! But he was fun. When he came in for his part of the appointment, he insisted the residents sat in the chairs. I was seated in the other chair, and Brady was on the exam table, so the doctor helped himself to Brady’s wheelchair. I LOVED that! He really seemed to burst at the seams with information and energy, but he had lots to offer, and he was so happy with how Brady was doing. Everyone in the room agreed that we were “making it.” Dr. Linassi exclaimed “You can void independently??” and came a big thumbs up. It was pretty great, actually, to have someone celebrate those victories with us. Its stuff people don’t think about, which is fine, but in the world of spinal cord injuries, Brady is doing better than many they see come through their facility, for which we are incredibly grateful 💜
The appointment was a long one, but we thank Cher for offering to hang with the kids so we could go together. We would always rather go to these things together, and it was a really lovely thing.

Today’s appointment ✔️
Blood draw ✔️
Tomorrow’s rehab appointment –
Pick up chemo for weekend –
Please continue to carry us in prayer.