I’m starting to think I should make Saturday the day where I catch you guys up on what else has happened during the week. I love posting about intentional things, but then some other things get lost in the mix. So behold 💁🏼♀️ the things that got lost in the mix of the week!
I started making plant hangers this week! They are suuuper cute, in my opinion 🙂 I also really enjoyed trying to explain to Brady what “boho” means 😆 (Prices range from $15-25, depending on size)

Laela has a stuffed bunny named Chester that she really loves. The other day, I believe the 22nd, was Chesters birthday. At school, Dekker got special permission to print off some gifts for Laela in honour of Chester’s birthday, and he tracked her down at recess to give them to her 💜

Brady and I hit Value Village the other day in search for rubber boots for the kids who needed them for the season. We came across this penis Paris themed container that warranted a photo.

We did eventually find some boots, thankfully. Apparently we are late to the game! Yikes!

Aaaaand we saw these cute little summery guys at Canadian Tire. I know my kids would LOVE them, because they LOVE soft things, and they’re SO excited about summer, but they were $15!! 🤮 Cannot justify that five times!

Brady and I tried out the local Olive Garden, finally. Thankfully their lunch menu is nice and cheap. We both really enjoyed it!

Cher taught us some medical terminology that gave us a good laugh!

Another good laugh was Rowan losing his last front tooth. He lost it at school and came home with a mad lisp, hahaha! It was AWESOME.

The internet showed me some super cute photos of the boys when they were so much littler 💜 Oof. They keep aging…
Aaaaand closing this off with a picture of Brady and I as we waited for his Instagram live to start last night! We had a final video with them, where Brady and I both answered some questions and talked about how the Maker Community Project has changed our life. We had a lot of good laughs and a lot of warm encouragement. It was a lot of fun!

Thats it, friends! Thats our week in a nutshell! Care to share anything from your week with me?? Drop it in the comments 🙂 I care about your time, too!