A Girl and her Pony

Doesn’t every little girl want a pony? I mean… I never did. But some do, I think.

Do they? Are ponies still things people care about? Is My Little Pony still a thing?

Out 👏 Of 👏 Touch 👏

Good thing this blog isn’t actually about ponies.

But! It is about this!

You might remember that Waverly had SO much hair as a baby. It was a notable trademark of hers. And then right around age two, it started falling out and she started eating it. So that was that, and we shaved her head. A couple of times, actually, for dermatologist appointments and such. Thankfully, the hair regrew and the habit did not.

Today was the FIRST day that ALL of Wavy’s hair fit in her ponytail! And she was HAPPY! She left it in all day!

This photograph brought me back to one of her other firsts. This was the previous first time that Wavy’s hair all fit into a ponytail 💜

Same hoodie, even! Different size 😉

She was six months here. Thats a good chunk of hair for a six month old. And now, as a three and a half year old, its finally back! I am SO happy she has her hair back 💜

She rocked the bald look better than anyone else could’ve, but this is good too 💜

Another Weekend Mixed Bag

Welp. I got out of bed today! So thats good news, lol! The day have been far from thrilling, but I have a few things I could share, just for fun 🙂 Enjoy the simplicity of our days.

I have been drinking a LOT of that David’s Tea Cold 911. It really hits the spot for me, and hear me when I say I am not a tea drinker. This has been good. Dekker smells it and comes running. He loves him some “sickness tea,” whether he’s sick or not.

Wavy was looking pretty cute today. Though her outfit of choice was not ideal for the mud in our backyard. The pants did eventually take a hit, though I don’t have photographic evidence. Still. She is terribly cute.

The kids played in the backyard a lot today. The weather was SO nice! Solly got just a touch sweaty 😆

Rowan not so much, but he really wanted me to take a picture of him, so, voila 🙌

This is definitely a picture I stole from the internet, but I love it! Such a cool idea, hey? An old red wagon, and what looks to be the legs off of a vintage singer sewing machine?? And a faucet and hose! I love it!

After supper I found Brady here, in the middle of the living room, groaning “Oooooh stretch so good!” You know you sit in a chair all day when laying flat as a board is a stretch!

The best part of the day 🙌 After a trip downstairs, I discovered that hunks of mud had made their way down our carpeted stairs towards the basement. I was immediately overwhelmed, as tends to happen these days, unfortunately. Dekker jumped in instantly and offered to vacuum the stairs and the entrance 💜 He is starting to grumble less and gracious offer to help with things, and its absolutely beautiful to watch. I mean, just look at Wavy and Solly! They’re clearly into it.

The days are long and challenging. The night are broken and not especially comfortable. But we plod on, trusting that God knows our needs! We have yet to be left hanging or in need. We’ve had sickness in our home for just a few days, and we have yet to cook for ourselves. Meals are already taken care of for tomorrow, too. We are so fortunate 💜 Thank you, friends, and thank you God.

Another Day of This

I was asleep long before 10 again last night, but woke up with real pain around 4. Brady woke up with me, got me meds, and we turned on a show until I could fall back to sleep. It was a relief, but once again, I woke up completely sick. So it was another day of baths and staring, and for Brady, it was a day of solo parenting.

To be clear, I hate this. Probably more than he does. I hate leaving him hanging this way. If there was any other way, I’d take it. But there is no getting around this one. Nope.

After a long gross day, I’ll tell you a few positives.

Cher brought me a smoothie and some chocolates this morning 💜 That was LOVELY.

Both my mom and Rae (my other mom) got groceries for us today. Rae hit Costco, and my mom went to Superstore and Walmart. We are officially caught up on staple items!

Cher and Sandy brought us supper tonight. Lasagna and caesar salad, with dessert that I haven’t eaten yet but if the rest of the meal is any indication of what I’m walking into, I’m very much anticipating it.

A couple of the kids snuck up to my room with cards and notes of love, saying they missed me and loved me.

Lastly, I’ve been too tired to crochet (I know, that says a lot) so I’ve just binge watched a bunch of Netflix, and honestly, its been fun. Can we discuss the facial expressions in The Ultimatum? Anyone?!

The days have felt hard. I don’t desire to just hide up here and not be an involved member of my household. I very much hope to be back on my feet very soon. But I am grateful for all the care and help I’ve received along the way 💜 I even have tomorrow’s lunch accounted for! Once again, Cher and Sandy to the rescue 💜

This will aaaaall look better by Monday 💜

How Today Should Have Been

We had a party all organized for tonight to celebrate Brady finishing chemo. Yesterday, I had a bit of a cold, so I decided I would wear a mask to the party. No big deal. People have lives, and I have no business spreading sickness if I can at all help it.

But I woke up this morning absolutely feverish, and SO much sicker. So while today should have been a day of celebration, I spent the entire day upstairs while Brady solo-parented. And that SUCKED.

It was incredibly difficult to call the whole thing off. I hate that kind of thing. I would’ve rather let everyone party while I stayed upstairs. But my people would never allow that, and unfortunately, now everything is postponed for a while. *sigh*

Good thing Brady’s finishing chemo isn’t dependant on a party!

Good thing Brady knows he is dearly loved regardless of the timing of his party, or even the existence of the party!

Good thing we have so many positives to look forward to, and we just added another – a chemo party!

In the meantime, though…

Martin Short Franck GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Chemo Round Twelve

Friends, we have finally arrived 🥺 As of last night, Brady completed his twelfth FINAL round of chemotherapy!

Excited Season 2 GIF by The Office - Find & Share on GIPHY

The gif is dorky, but it hits me in the feels. Because this is absolutely a milestone to celebrate!!! An entire YEAR of chemotherapy is behind us, and we can stop living in limbo, cycle to cycle. We can finally see what Brady is capable of outside of the limits of chemo. If you remember, he started his radiation treatments while he was still living in rehab. They dragged on for five long weeks, and then he was supposed to get a month to breathe between radiation and chemo. He was SO spent, and the moment he started to get his bearings back, right at the three week point, they decided to jump and get him going on chemo right away. And we’ve been on the chemo train ever since.

With this, we have yet to see what Brady’s full capacity is. It will take time to learn this, but it comes at the best time. In mere weeks, we will be able to go to our camp spot and start preparing for the season ahead. No one told the weather about that plan, apparently, but it’ll take the hint soon enough.

I feel a tiny bit struggly with this whole thing, because you’re supposed to be able to see progress during chemo. And we don’t get that. Which is cool in the way that nothing has grown back, and we’re happy to know that! But it does make the whole chemo thing feel fruitless.

I know I’ve talked about this before. I am grateful for chemo. We did ALL the steps we were given, and we feel confidence in God’s covering, that He will prepare us for whatever comes and He will carry us through! So we hold onto that and ONLY that!

All the messy medical stuff is behind us for now, and we are both very excited to move forward, away from the limbo and waiting game, and into whatever our life will become! God knows what we need.

Thank you to our friends who follow who love us and care about our details such as these. Sometimes its hard to be honest about my emotions when I know not everyone who reads along is in our corner or “for” us. But for the support, love, and celebration we’ve received, I thank you!! 💜 You are not missed or forgotten!! I appreciate you all SO much!!!

As is custom, I have made a vat of party mix we love, and Brady and I will eat it for supper after the kids go to bed. Because he can! So he will!

Goodbye, chemo. As is said in House MD, we hope to never see you again!! ✌️

Thank Goodness

I am SO relieved that today is better than yesterday! Its still quiet time, so hopefully I haven’t spoke too soon 😆 While the weather is blustery, inside is quite lovely. The wind sound is something I actually don’t mind. Its part of spring. It sounds like rain is on the way, though at this point, it’ll be snow. But, what can I say? I like it.

The day has held Lego, reading, researching, and the kids even tidied their closets! That job inspired some crafting from the things they found, and Cher and I were graced with loving notes and pictures.

Dekker found a map and immediately got to work looking for Tom and Rae’s camp spot.

We are ALL ready to get back into the camping swing of things!

The day is not perfect, but we aren’t expecting perfect. Soon, we’ll have coffee, turn on some music, and ride out the rest of our daytimes hours inside. I’ve got all of my challenging stuff for the day done!! So now we breathe 🙂 I hope many of you do the same 💜

A Tough Monday

I will be the first to admit that today has been an incredibly challenging day. We’re human. We have bumpy days. Its fine. But its been more challenging than most, and while those days are not glamorous, nor days people really desire to put out there for all to see, they’re important to remember and learn from. Also, I know we are not the only people who have them!! So let’s lift each other up, shall we? 💜

Yesterday was a total blast, and everyone was full and exhausted by the end of the day. Everyone fell asleep easily and quickly.

But then, sometime in the night, Rowan woke up. And being the ever-so-social lad that he is, he came to tell me.

So naturally, I couldn’t fall back to sleep until my room had gone from pitch black to morning sun. I spent those hours replaying every difficult conversation I’ve had, every medical trauma we’ve gone through, and spiralling through everything I’m still afraid of, ie: money, jobs, future, etc.

So that was not a boatload of fun, and made for a very short night for me.

And also for Rowan.

The morning can really only be described as brutal. So many arguments. Everyone so dysregulated. So much irrationality. Almost nothing went smoothly. It was hard and had Brady and I dreading the long Spring break to come.

I cannot say with confidence that those feelings are gone, but I can say that we got a beautiful break 💜 After naps, Cher took the kids into the backyard and refereed for us for the entire afternoon. And then they made sandwiches and had outdoor supper while Brady and I continued to work on our own things in peace.

Once supper was done, it became clear that Rowan was just at the end of his rope. Or maybe its more accurate to say he was teetering on a ledge. He knew all the things that were going on, and was choosing to argue. He just felt like fighting and it showed. Cher tipped me off that bedtime might be a challenge with him, so I decided to go out and pep talk him before it all went down.

And it was worth it! He recognized that he wasn’t doing well, but he didn’t want to miss out on the rest of the day or bedtime prayers with everyone. So HE made the choice to go inside, get all ready for bed, and read books in his bed until it was time for bedtime. He said himself “I think being away from everyone would be a good choice for me.” Outside, he did NOT want to be self aware, but he changed his tune, and we reached a beautiful compromise! For the first time today! Whew!

Bedtime will roll around right away here, so wish us luck!! At this point, we just need smooth. And then we need sleep. All of us.

But first, post-bedtime supper and an episode of something funny. We could all use a laugh after the day we’ve had!

Easter Sunday 2022

Last Easter, we spent at the playground near the hospital 💜

Brady was still living in City Hospital. While it had been hinted he would be able to be home for Easter, everyone agreed it would be a little bit early, and none of us had any interest in pushing past what was the healthiest choice. So we made it work.

While this was an incredibly difficult time in our lives, we were very grateful to be together for even just an hour or two.

I couldn’t share about these visits, because covid deemed them obsolete. While he was not allowed to visit the kids, they were allowed in the public park, and he was cleared to go for outdoor walks with me. The whole setup was suggested to us by the staff, so much so that I would go to retrieve Brady and the nurses would smile knowingly and say “Enjoy your walk! See you in a couple of hours!”

Easter weekend, they cleared Brady for two “walks.”

These visits were incredible, and we were SO grateful for them! But they were quite an operation. It was a lot for the kids, and a lot for Brady. All of it was a stretch! I was overwhelmingly grateful to go see Brady everyday, but it took 110% of my energy from me. Still, I wouldn’t change how it was done. Easter was hard, but it was GOOD.

This Easter has been much more our speed 💜 We had breakfast at my moms place, and hunted for Easter treats. We ended up lunching there, too! Everything was yummy and we had so much effortless fun!

Rowan looked at me like this and said “This bag is SO beautifully done!” He’s terribly sweet.

I love that toothless look 😆

Once lunch was done, this is happened…

So it was a perfect time to head home for quiet time.

The moment quiet time was over, we all eagerly waited at our doorway for the go ahead tooooo…

Go to Tom and Rae’s for yet more treats!!!

The hunt was on in full force. Some of Rae and Tom’s kids were over and had helped set up an elaborate egg hunt, with lists and color coding and an entire house to search. The kids had a riot! There was a lot to find, and it took some time, but then they’d dump their finding out on the table and go through them to make sure they had everything.

We were assured that everyone had a lot of fun setting it up, but still, it was a very clear loving gift for us and our children.

We left their home with more chocolate, a couple bottles of sangria, and a lot of love from being with more of our dear family.

Supper is on the stove. Sangria in hand. Brady is teaching Laela how to play chess, and Dekker is eagerly awaiting their game. I’m getting the blog up. Just about all the work is done. Now, we rest and enjoy the evening together.

We would not have made it to this Easter without Jesus. For His blood, we give thanks. He is the reason we live and breathe, and continue to!

Have a blessed Easter with your close people, friends. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Imperfect Saturdays

Weekends are not always easy. Today was a hard day. A day where I felt more alone than usual. More stuck. “Struggly,” as we call it. Today has been an especially struggly day.

Lucky for me, I got to take a little bit of a break to crochet alone, and then Cher came over, brewed coffee, and painted my nails. The poor girl did not have a lot of nice fingers to work with, but she was soft with me, and I felt relaxed.

Even now, I’m able to sit and breathe and blog in the living room, free of any and all responsibilities. Even if just for a time, I treasure these rests.

Did you guys know I’m coming up on a big milestone with this blog? I’ve been considering redoing the whole thing. Or even just calling it quits, for fear that its getting boring and mundane. I don’t want to make big decisions when I’m feeling the way I’m feeling. But I also don’t want to beat a dead horse. Anyway.

Today has been hard. Sleep will help. Tomorrow will be better. It always is.

Nachos for supper once the kids are down.