No, my grammar doesn’t just suck. It’s a play on the headlining song. Leave it alone. Haha!
Last night, Jerilee invited Brady and I to a showing of Sweeney Todd, put on by the Saskatoon Summer Players. It was a show specifically to show thanks for their supporters, and one of Jerilee’s family members was on that list, but couldn’t make it this time, and offered the tickets to her!
Cher came over in the afternoon and hung with the kids so Brady and I could get ready easier. Also, I think she secretly likes the kids, which helps 😉 But thanks to her, I could rally from this to this!

Washing my hair in ice cold water is NOT my favorite part of having bright hair, but its also worth it.
I was hoping to get a better picture of it, I was in FULL pink, with my pink hair, and Jerilee had lots of pink on the skirt of her dress, and hot pink lips. Buuuuut it was crowded and I couldn’t get it. We were still cute, though.

We had SO much fun!!!

We were in the 6th row, right in the centre. Everything was so clear and exciting so close up. The vocals were strong, with incredible range, and that is really saying something because the music is SO intricate and dissonant, and finding starting notes would’ve been a real challenge sometimes! And so many people sang overtop of so many other. Those actors had to be on, and they were! The orchestra was also AMAZING. I love watching the conductors head bob up and down at the bottom of the stage as he directs his part of the production. Once or twice, a singer went a little too fast and wasn’t quite with the music, and the orchestra worked with it and recovered!!! It was very impressive. Lots of talent in this bunch of 100+ people!
I SO enjoyed the evening out! If I had it my way, I’d go to every production – Saskatoon Summer Players, Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan, whatever else – that came through the city. I LOVE theatre! It makes me happy, and honestly a liiiiittle bit sad that I never got to do more theatre outside of high school. But mostly happy, I promise 😉 SO thankful we got to go see Sweeney Todd! I know a few of my friends are going in the next week or so, and you’re really in for a treat! Be ready to actually jump out of your skin a couple of times!!