Brady took me on a date this past Saturday as an early birthday date. My birthday falls on a weekday that he is working, so we did our date this weekend 🙂 We started at Montatas, because their buttermilk country chicken plate is to DIE for!! Their spiked iced tea is really good, too. Very raspberryyyyy.

Yum. Being parents, however, we accidentally ate at warp speed. Does anyone else struggle to just relax and take your time eating a meal when you can? I swear, our food was gone in less than ten. Easily.

We then headed on to a production of “As You Like It” put on by Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan. It is SUCH a fun event!! This wasn’t our first go round, but it had been a few years since we’d gone. Neither of us are Shakespeare buffs (though I LOVED English in school!) but you don’t have to love Shakespeare to love these productions. You can trust me on this.
It was hot out, but as a storm was brewing, the wind helped a lot. There was quiet jazz nearby, the option of drinks to purchase, and lots of people watching to do. I remember from years past, some people come dressed to the nines, and some people are super casual. Either way, you don’t stand out. Everyone fits. And everyone is nice! Its a pretty low key group of people chatting quietly amongst themselves. About a half hour before it began, the doors opened, and we made our way to our seats.

Brady accidentally picked the BEST seats! There was a smallish stage in the centre of the tent, and seating all around it. Only four rows, and eight small sections. We had seats right along of the aisles. Turned out it was kind of a central aisle, where lots of the actors came in and out! I’ve LOVED theatre forever, so I felt very up close and personal in my aisle seat 🙂
We loved every minute of it. Yes, I say “we.” Its not a compromise for Brady at all. While he didn’t grow up knowing about theatre, he dove right in when he met me, and has grown a love for it, as well. Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan is SO well done! No one missed a line. There was lots of music and dancing. They reacted in scenes in a way that included the audience. It was fast paced and entertaining. And even if you don’t follow all the language, you can easily follow the storyline 🙂 You really feel like you’re part of it, being so close!
At one point, I got to be the person I was always jealous of. There was a part in the scene where one actor, who was a VERY active character, plunked down to take a breather. And he plunked down right on the stair right beside me. He took his hat off and wiped his brow, and kind of scoffed and gestured towards the other actors on the stage. He was legitimately beading sweat, though, poor guy. He sniped the program off my lap and started fanning himself. Then he flipped it open, found himself in the cast credits, and whispered some little comment about “who’s this guy?” or something like that. And just like that, he was back on stage in his scene. I know it was such a small thing, but its amazing how it amped the experience for me! I’m sure everyone else who was gently included felt the exact same way.
The whole show was a total blast. I was surprised at how many people didn’t stay until the end, because it could not have been due to a lack of entertainment! Maybe theirs butts were sore, lol! That would be a valid reason. And then we had some come halfway through. I was just surprised, considering you buy tickets to come… But to each their own, as always.
The performance ended on a high note of music and dancing. It was a BLAST!! What a great night out!
We drove home and picked up some ice cream on the way. It was a great way to close a great evening. Food, a show, and more food. What more does a person want?? I felt celebrated, loved, and full.
If you’ve never hit up Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan, I HIGHLY recommend it. Even if you don’t care about Shakespeare. Read a summary of the play you’re going to if you want. That helps. Or just go 🙂 Its so so SO much fun. You won’t regret it.