Answering the BIG QUESTION!

There was some brief angst when I confessed to knowing the gender of our baby, but then didn’t actually share the info 😉 And I get it! But guys, if you had a burning little secret, would you not want to have a little fun with it first, too?? Aaaaanyway, I haven’t told you yet because I thought it would be fun to show you in photos! My lovely friend and photographer, Cher, who has been taking progress pictures for me throughout this pregnancy came out as soon as she could, and got me everything in time for me to post them TODAY! Which means, you will know, TODAY! I’ve had this secret for just over a week, lol! Sue me.

Except, don’t.

The baby’s gender may be sneakily hiding beneath a layer of clothing. Do not be afraid. There is more clothing under there. You CAN read on!

I cracked under pressure at the last minute, haha! Somehow this shoot felt like a bigger deal than our usual get togethers…

Don’t worry, I got it together. Sort of. As much as I ever do. But, we got there. I’ll just let you look now 🙂

Baby is a GIRL!!!!! 💖💖💖

Pink happy dance!!!

Bambina (See what I did there? Because, feminine) is roughly the size of an iPhone. A gold, sparkly one. 🤩

…and its upside down because thats ideal for babies, haha!

Straight talk, guys. I know that knowing the gender of the baby doesn’t ensure that she’s going to live and come join us here. I know there is no safety zone. I know we could get hurt again. But knowing she is a SHE makes things so much more real, and SO much more personal! I swore the baby was a boy. Every time I daydreamed, I was picturing a boy. Every time I secretly let myself plan ahead, it was always for a boy. I was SO peaceful and content with having a boy, and then to find out she is actually a girl just BLEW MY MIND. It still feels surreal, in all honesty. I didn’t know if I’d ever have another girl, and I’m thrilled beyond belief to be carrying one! A GIRL!!! AMAZING!!!

I have a video of us telling the kids, but I’ll save that for another day 😉 This is enough amazing for one day! But I have to offer a HUGE thank you to my girl, Cher, for once again documenting such an exciting time in my life!! You rolled with the interruptions that come along with my mom gig, even snapped a few extras, just to make memories.

You are a wonderful addition around here, so please know you’re always welcome in our home, whether you’re taking pictures or not 😘 We all love you!

Thank you, all, for your interest in our family, and for sharing in our excitement! Speaking for myself, I am completely beside myself with excitement!! I cried like crazy when I found out, haha! Having a brand new baby girl is an amazing way to welcome summer. I can’t wait to bring her to the lake, and to wear her in the carrier as the kids and I wander to the playground day after day. I’m just itching to buy her some little dresses and rompers, and to go buy fabric with my mom who will lovingly sew it into personal little receiving blankets. I can’t wait to finally pull out our little baby cradle again, clean it up, and get it ready for LIFE. To pack size 1 diapers again, even if just for a little while. I can’t wait to waste the days away with my beautiful brood of children on the deck, while they splash in the pool, and I lounge in a chair under an umbrella with the little miss, hopefully with a friend or two from time to time <3 I just want her home.

I feel so fortunate to even be daydreaming about this. I hope and desperately pray that it can become a reality! Please pray, and celebrate, with us!!!