Today is my birthday. I’m 34 today. While I’m not as crazy about aging as I wish I was, I’m grateful for today 💜
I’m grateful to be at camp.

I’m grateful for the rain overnight and on and off throughout the day, making it smell fresh and feel comfortable and cool.

I’m grateful Cher made it up to join us 💜

I’m grateful for coffee, and rum and Coke.

I’m grateful for thoughtful gifts from everyone around me.

I’m grateful for lots of rest time around the fire.

I’m grateful for firewood to chop and burn.

Im grateful that the word ”burn” looks like ”bum.”

I’m grateful for yummy appies and supper chosen specifically for me.

I’m grateful to be surrounded by loved ones, with the promise of seeing more people I love in the coming days and weeks.

I’m grateful to have had another year of life. I am truly happier in my life than I have ever been, and Brady says exactly the same 💜

God is good. ALL the time.