Sometimes I thought I could bake all day long and be so, so happy. Who would’ve ever thought. Not me. But today, I prepped treats for the Christmas holiday. For the family. For gifts. For sharing and also not sharing. But as much as we don’t eat tons and tons of treats over here, there are still a lot of us, and everyone in our family is an eater now!
So here’s what I came up with today.
Party mix, obviously. That happens early in the day because the recipe I use isn’t baked at all, and it needs to be stirred up through the day. So thats a starter.

Marshmallows are next because they dry foreverrrrr. The house will be humming well into the evening!

Then I got into yellow cake mix cookies, which I use for oreos. These tend to be a heavy favorite so I will be making more.

Once those were done, I popped in cinnamon bread. That bakes for a good while.

While that was baking away, I packaged up the lemon cookies to freeze. I will make the icing another day and it’ll be a super quick last step to getting them finished up!

Cinnamon bread was finished up!

At this point, I still had a little bit of time, but I was surrounded by all three wakeful babies, and didn’t want to start something new new. So rather, I pulled the rest of the peppernut dough out of the freezer where I had left it in rolls, and I got them sliced up and into the oven.

Another bowl of treats to add to the pile!

There is still more to do, but it feels really good to get it going. When Christmas comes up, and also when we have placements move around, I always feel a purgey, cleaning bug bite. And MAN its a mess in here 😅 But we’ll get done what we can, and the rest will absolutely live. Hopefully this weekend, we can pick the place up, and get some Christmas going up in here!