I’m in an obviously weird stage of life when I get excited about dirt. But you guys probably know that by now.
As you know, we got a few truckloads spread out on our property not too long ago. We’ve been planting and fussing and building the yard since then, and it became clear we needed some more. There was talk of asking a friend with a truck to help us out with a bit, but it felt a bit daunting to commit to all that shovelling, plus we didn’t know if that would even be enough. Finally, I suggested we contact the guy who did our dirt the first time and see what he would charge for one more big truckload. If he was out doing another job or something, maybe he could tack us on and maybe it wouldn’t cost tooooo much to get another load brought. We were pleasantly surprised when he gave us a great deal on it, and said he could do it in two days. Woot!
And he made good on it!

For a super good price, we have another large truckload of dirt in our yard!! It’ll be something of a biggish job to spread it out, but we’re almost always out there, puttering around, anyway! Today, a lot of that will get done.
This dirt will be used to build the yard up a little bit, as it slopes more than it should. It will fill in around the curb in the front yard, and level out the low spot we’ve found. It will level out the area where we want to put our fire pit. It will easily all get used, and I’m SO thankful to have the extra!
So yes. I am excited about dirt. We all are over here! Anyone else?