I feel a little bit guilty. When I titled Saturday’s post “The Move Begins,” I didn’t put it together that some of you might have read it as us moving. If you missed it in the first paragraph, we are not moving, but simply helping someone else move. And today was another big, productive moving day!
I am amazed at two things. One is how much we got DONE today!!! WOW! We are ahead of schedule, which is such a relief! Today the whole kitchen moved over, as well as all the freezer and fridge stuff, pantry stuff, tupperware, etc etc etc. It was just immensely productive, and I’m SO thankful for that!
And I’m amazed at my kids. Once again, this morning, they came along and occupied themselves beautifully while we worked and organized. Very little refereeing was needed, and we could all keep our heads down and work! It was awesome!! They were game for anything, and I am SO proud of them!
After lunch, Cher came over to tag us out so Brady and I could both keep working while she watched the kids. It was a pretty cute gig, apparently.

My plan was to head back home after nap time, get the kids up, regroup, and see what was needed next. But lo and behold, we were SO far ahead that we were DONE for the day at that point!!! I showed up around 3:00, as planned, and that was IT!! CRAZY!
We enjoyed a big perogie feed for supper…

With bacon and cheesy broccoli. It was SO good!!!
Now comes an evening of not moving! We NEED to do more on the camper, but we also need to rest, so we live through the week! Hahaha! I think I’ll crochet and watch some YouTube. Anyone else?