Rowan slept through the night last weekend while we were away, but since getting back home, he has resumed his routine of his midnight/early morning feeding. I’m not too hellbent on him sleeping through yet, though it would be lovely. But last night, he slept through! It was such a pleasant surprise, yet we have no idea what the difference was. He usually wakes up in the night between 1:00 and 2:00, and we hadn’t done anything different yesterday night. But hey, I won’t question it!! It was SO nice. He had 6oz right before bed, which is bigger than his usual bottle, so maybe *knock on wood* we’ll get another full night?? That would be so great…
Unfortunately, the full nights sleep didn’t seem to have helped the other kids happy, because it wasn’t probably our rockiest Sunday in a while. They were super loud in church, and we had some solid attitude problems during the day. Looking back on it now, it probably wasn’t as bad as it felt it was in the moment. I’m glad our rough days really aren’t too bad in retrospect.
Now that we’re home and everyone is tucked in, I’m feeling invigorated. Our MLS listing goes up tomorrow and, as I think I’ve mentioned, we’ve decided to sell our house by this weekend. So let’s pray for that
Lastly, upon arriving home, Brady and I got to watch a YouTube video that we’ve been anticipating for some time now. I wrote about a family several months back who struggled with infertility who fell pregnant with their second baby on their own. I have felt so joyful for them, and have watched their videos along the way. They had their second baby boy last night, and the video was up maybe twenty minutes after we got home. It was SUCH a beautiful video. I cried. I’ll throw the link up here, just in case someone could use a heartwarming pick me up
I hope you all have a great start to the week! Opt for optimism.