Another Chapter Closed: Radiation

This summer has been one of the crazier summers. We’ve had our share of bumps and details that have kept things interesting, to say the least, but there have been a few undeniable challenges of which we have been eagerly waiting to see the end. Three in particular have loomed over us for so so long.

First was Brady’s license. Not having his license has been a wildly frustrating struggle. He has needed rides to work, rides home from work, rides to radiation, rides back from radiation, and rides absolutely everywhere else he needs to go. With that, he has been completely at everyone else’s mercy. Meanwhile, he has been unable to run a single errand on his own, take a kid to an appointment, or drive his family absolutely anywhere. Driving is rest for Brady, and he missed that aspect, as well as his independence. The day he got his license back was victorious!!!!!

Second was our road. The road in front of our house was closed for what felt like an eternity. Of course it wasn’t, but it made things like packing and unpacking camp stuff, groceries, and people a lot harder for a lot longer. When the road was finally paved, it rested over the weekend and we were able to start driving on it the next Tuesday. And the very next day, they filled in the end of our driveway and re-poured that as well. They did not drag their feet, which was a huge relief, and now, as things stand today, all is well to drive on our street and onto our driveway. And maybe you didn’t know that we had a ram poured right before the road was redone! So Brady can leave the house and get into his vehicle and drive to work with total ease now!! It is SUCH a win!

Thirdly and likely the most important, Brady officially wrapped up his radiation therapy today! 🥳😭 I was able to go in with him, and not only be there to greet him on the way out, but I was invited into the back treatment room where I got to witness them all set him up on the bed, with the scary mask on and all the lasers in place. And if that wasn’t enough, I was invited to sit behind the desk with the staff running the machines, and they explained the entire process to me while I watched it on cameras. It was such an experience! He came out of his treatment happy and well, like he did every single day. We met with his radiation oncologist one last time before he said some goodbyes, got a hug from his closest nurse, and rang the bell on the wall that signifies “ringing cancers bell.” And then we left. It was an oddly beautiful last treatment. SO much nicer than the last time he went through this, during covid. It felt warm and celebratory 💜 And really really really good to be done!

I will definitely talk more about that last radiation therapy appointment soon! Or maybe I can weasel a post out of Brady, since he has nothing but time now 😏 There will be more, though, one way or another.

These were the three huge, looming challenges this summer. Brady not having a license. Us not having access to our street. And radiation every weekday for six entire weeks. And EVERY one of those things is now taken care of and behind us!!! It is almost surreal, but I am not at all mad at it. It has been a positively exhausting stretch of summer thanks to these details, as well as so many more. And there will still be things that add to the action over here, I have no doubt whatsoever! But the big, scary, daunting things have come and gone.

Brady has his license and independence back, which timed out beautifully with his promotion at work 💜

Our road is open, smoother, sloped better, and we can use our ramp and fresh driveway perfectly 💜

Radiation is over and done with, meaning no more daily appointments 💜 He never even needed to be on meds for discomfort or pain.

PRAISE THE LORD for getting us through some really large, long weeks. The devil tried to intervene a handful of times, but God is stronger!!! The strongest when we are weak! And let me tell you – we are 😅 So any ounce of strength you think you see on us is ALL from God!!

Amen, and onto the next!!! ✅