In case you somehow missed it, Brady and I celebrated our ten year anniversary last week! We went on a date Friday evening. Our across the street neighbours, Rae and Tom, came over straight after work to be with the kids, and we headed out!
This was not the most planned anniversary we’ve ever had, but it was really ok. We didn’t want to put super high expectations on it. Plus, we have some fun things still coming up that feel anniversaryyyyy (you get it) so we thought a date night would suffice. And it did!
We tossed around restaurant ideas for a while, before settled on Cactus Club. We were originally hoping to go somewhere new, but decided instead to go somewhere we knew was good. We had a few options still, but Cactus Club seemed like somewhere we wouldn’t take our kids. Of course we forgot our Mr Mikes gift card back at the house, otherwise that would’ve been an obvious choice! Oh well. We still plan to be married for quite some time, so we’ll use it another time 😉
We waited maybe ten minutes at the restaurant before we were seated. We ordered fairly quickly, and our food was delicious! He had a perfectly done steak, and I had the hunter chicken, which I think I’ve got every time we’ve gone there. SO good!
It was brutally cold that night, but Brady informed me we had to go walk to get my gift. I was NOT thrilled at the idea of being out in the cold, but we were literally just as far from van as we were from the mall!
I won’t make you wait. He got me the brand new sparkle balls from Hillberg & Berk 😍

They’re pretty.
We took a walk from there, further still from the van, to Lululemon with the intention to buy me a pair of the new super high rise wunder unders. For whatever reason, they don’t actually carry them in store, but we ordered a pair from there and they’re already on their way. Woot!
(I should specify here that I have a gift for Brady, but its stranded in Saskatoon so he doesn’t have it yet! Ack!! I’ll let you know as soon as he knows!)
The mall was still open when we finished at Lulu, so we made our way back through the mall to be as close to the van as possible. Our plan had been to go find some yummy dessert, but we were both SO full. We rather grabbed some coffee and found a cozy spot to sit and look at the river. The lights were beautiful, the frost was beautiful, and the mist coming off the water was beautiful. It was SO nice to just sit and sip and be together.
We made it home around 10:00. Our house was perfectly quiet. We got a run down of how the evening went before Rae headed home. Thank you again for the night out 💜
Wavy gave us the gift of a full nights sleep that night, and has continued since then! Probably the best anniversary gift I could’ve asked for, haha!