It has been a truly believe day 💜 It began with rain, muffins, and friends.
The morning was wished away while the kids anticipated 3:00pm – camp registration! They jumped around and played like maniacs for a couple of hours until it was finally time to start gathering up the odds and ends for camp.
We got to registration only a few minutes early and got to confirm that the kids were in fact paired up as we had requested! The girls were together, and all three boys even got together!! Win!! They all eagerly lined up, signed up, and hauled out! The setup is a little bit trickier so unfortunately Brady isn’t able to tuck anyone in, but he was still present and gracious and excited along with everyone!
Everyone was safely settled at camp, and we got out of there just as the festivities were about to begin! The rest of us and the Dahlsjo’s totalled to six, so we spent the evening together! Brady and Sadie cooked. Dekker and Wavy crafted and watched Scooby Do. Stacy and I visited and kept the fire alive. And we all really enjoyed each other’s company.

Here is to a few days with way fewer kids and a totally different dynamic!