An Unexpected Way to Spend a Sunday

When I got up this morning to get the day going, I had a little private chuckle. This is what Christmas tends to look like over here 😅

Half the island is covered. A large chunk of the counter is also covered with what I’ve just decided to call treats-to-be, containers, and everything else. Basically, the whole house is a mess of anticipation!

But! Its good that its out, because then I DO it!!! While the kids ate breakfast, I put together a large batch of party mix! I’m sure missing bugles, though :/ Ah well. I replaced them with Crispers so we’ll see how that goes! I also tested out a new recipe and made cinnamon bread. Seems like a good thing to try for Christmas? Also, banana bread happened, and I started making more filling for my homemade oreos. Those aren’t done yet, but things are going strong.

Oh and laundry is almost done!

So this obviously didn’t all happen while the kids ate breakfast. Nope.

Our plan was that Brady would bring the five kids to church and I’d stay home with the babies. The kids had a Christmas thing at the church and we wanted to be there for it! Unfortunately, Brady has been dizzy for a while now and today, he just could not kick it :/ So I drove the kids to church for the earlier fun, and told them I would likely be back to pick them up before the service. Not only did I need that extra hour or two to work on things, but Brady needed to have no pressure on him and I didn’t want to leave him home with the babies.

But then, plans changed in a really nice way! A friend texted from church and asked if she could keep the kids for the service, which I absolutely consented to! And then they kept the girlies for lunch!! So our numbers are down but, as you can imagine, the house is still full and active!

So. My house is a mess, and thats ok. Because thats part of it. I think. And if it isn’t, don’t tell me 🙅‍♀️