The plan was to leave at 11:00am, so I got up and got all washed and fresh-feeling. It was pouring out but I didn’t let that mess with my mood too much, and just chose skinny jeans and a belted long sleeved shirt instead of shorts and a tank top. Who cares. I sprayed the crazy out of my hair and used waterproof mascara.I put in earrings and did my makeup really nicely. I felt like a million bucks leaving the house. On my way out, I noticed my daylilies are starting!
I got into the van, cranked the heat, and listened to the music I chose at the uber-volume that I wanted. No little ears to worry about today!
My first stop was to pick up a scarf courtesy of White Orchid Apparel & Sparrow Apparel. I stopped in at my friends place to pick it up, and have a quick visit. Her house was teaming with kids, and it was lunchtime, so I didn’t stay long. I went from there to another nearby town for a strawberry bouquet from Verna. It was an adorable and delicious looking arrangement! Once I got it out to my van, I realized I had no real appropriate place to put it where it wouldn’t roll around, so I improvised.

I made it to Bath and Body Works just after Jerilee arrived for her shift. Its her birthday today, and I wanted to make sure she felt celebrated. Luckily, a friend/co-worker had made cupcakes for the occasion, but she still seemed happy with the treats and present.
I left the mall and headed to the chiropractor. I saw Dr. Mike right before I went to BC, and when he found out we were driving, he asked me to come see him pretty quick after he got back. It was a good thing, too. That was probably the longest treatment I’ve had in a while. But it was probably my favorite part of the day, to be honest. We have good conversation usually, but the appointments are so quick. But today, we covered a comical amount of controversial conversations. From family and marriage to religion to vaccines to pretty much everything else. Its fun to talk so candidly about heavy topics like those.
I left there a little sore but onto the next place. I ducked back to the mall and fixed a billing issue with Telus, a quick stop at Children’s place for two rompers for Laela, and then hit Superstore. I only needed about four things, and they were out of one of them, but on my list, I had added “makeup thing.” I just wanted a little treat! And then Revlon lipstick was on sale. Like, a goood sale. So I got three. I know, I know. No judging. I also broke the law and ducked into baby clothes. Superstore has the cutest baby clothes, and I fell victim to them. Again. Two rompers and one dress later, I pulled myself out of there and checked out.

I forgot to hit the bank for our weekly savings but will hopefully still get a chance in the next couple of days. Instead, I went to my last stop – Costco – and got my cart full of formula, milk, chicken breasts, kleenex, and bread. I was waved over to a till that was just opening, and was in and out of there so fast! I grabbed a tea from Tim’s on my way out, and enjoyed the drive home with my loud music and earl grey.
It was a good day away, and I felt refreshed when I arrived home. Brady was feeding my happy little girl, and Dekker had been napping for almost four hours!!

Those beautiful kids are now tucked away, my bath is run, and I’m struggling with a bit of a tickle in my throat. But today has been my best health day in a while so I’m certainly not complaining. That just means tea in the tub! There could definitely be worse things.
Happy birthday, Jerilee!!! We love you quite a bit around here 🙂