You’d think I’d be bored with all the rain after getting completely soaked at Jazzfest, but you’d be wrong! It helps that its SO needed around here after a long, dry stretch, but even if it weren’t, I’d still be happy. I love the rain so much. We left the windows open all day yesterday, listening to the wind and rain, with breaks in between to listen to the main birds outside, chirping happily. It was glorious, and lifted the mood.
With it coming down so often and so unpredictably, we didn’t end up taking the kids for a walk in the evening. Rather, we bathed them and kept the evening pretty relaxed.

We watched some music videos before bed so they had could dance out some of their sillies, but that was really it! They were super cute.
This morning, however, I woke up totally disoriented. I woke up with a startle, and I could’ve sworn Brady was saying he was having trouble of some kind and needed help. So I tried multiple times to figure out what he needed, effectively waking him from his sleep. *sigh* I meant well, but was very confused. Then I kept hearing music, which made me feel EXTRA crazy, but soon put together that he was snoozing his alarm. It was such a scattered morning, and it just left me feeling crappy and confused. That, along with a few other merpy life things, left me feeling quite discouraged. Brady offered to take the kids to church to give me a morning to myself. I felt guilty, but accepted. I knew I needed it. I was pretty grouchy and I didn’t want to project it onto the kids.

Rather, I projected it onto my friends, haha! I texted Jerilee a bit, and told her, if not for her car trouble and lack of ride, I wished she could come have a sulky morning with me. She responded with a “Funny you should say that…” and a picture of herself at Starbucks. ❤️ She was one step ahead of me, and was making her way over to keep me company. So. So. Needed.
Everyone came home from church, lunched, and went to bed. Jerilee headed home right around then, and Brady and I had some lunch while the kids napped. The afternoon will be spent going through the kids clothes to see what they need for summer still. I know we need sandals for at least the older kids, and some shorts. Swimsuits, too. The middle boys are usually pretty set up but we’ll have to take a look. And Wavy, too. She is mostly set but might need a couple more tank tops. She and Laela were born in different seasons so they’re not crossing over size wise very well. That being said, Waverly is set for long sleeved shirts and hoodies, haha! I think everyone has hoodies… I have to look. Aaaaanyway, I’ll quit. But wish us luck for a productive afternoon!!