Yesterday was very blowy and snowy, but it didn’t stop my two die hard evening walkers from getting their fresh air!!

Its possible there was mild regret when they got back from their walk, but I was SO proud of them for still going out! I love their together time!

It blew and snowed all night, so this morning, I went outside while Brady got ready, and made sure the driveway was clear. We had managed to fit his van into the garage for the night (not well, but good enough) but that still leaves the driveway to get through. The snow was fluffy enough that he could’ve gotten out, but since I was already there, I shovelled it clear. Rather do it when its light and fluffy than packed down!
Brady left for work and I gave myself ten minutes before I got the kids up. There was a lot that needed doing this morning, and then the kids laid the smackdown.
“Mom, can you make me a poppy?”
I crocheted them poppies a couple of years ago, and only two could be found this morning. And they wanted them. I told them the jobs that needed doing, and they eagerly volunteered to help if that meant I’d make poppies. So we did it!
Rowan did dishes and garbage.
Laela sorted laundry and put in all the socks and underwear.
Dekker shovelled the ramp.

And I crocheted the remaining poppies that the big kids needed before they could go to school! They turned out!

The kids left a little later than usual, but everyone was in good spirits, myself included. It was a pretty busy morning but also a pretty successful morning.
Once the big kids were out the door, I made Wavy’s poppy. She was just so stinking cute this morning.

And once that was done, Cher arrived to spend the day with me!! Because reading week!!! Heyooooo!!
Today is the last day of school before the kids have a few days off! Its going to be a beautiful day 💜