All the OTHER Lake Pictures

I lied yesterday, clearly. There are more pictures to share! And here they are!

Our beautiful children were invited to a late movie night with some other beautiful children 💜 They brought a projector, snacks, and Toy Story 4. Somehow, ALL NINE KIDS stayed awake!! But it was a total blast 🙂 Kids at the other site, watching a movie, and adults at our site, sitting around the fire.

These kids have only gotten close and closer through this last stretch 💜 My heart is SO full.

The wood splitter became a pretty popular item over the summer. Everyone wanted a chance. Which was actually a lot of fun, because there was NO shortage of kindling!

No shortage of piggyback rides either!!!

So thaaaaats what teenagers are for!

I was SO grateful to have a happy site where kids gathered! And SO happy they had another site to frequent with more amazing people!

Some of their girls crocheted, and when we discovered that similarity, it was aaaaall over! Crochet and pompom making parties, day in and day out!

Don’t worry, when our friends had to leave, siblings still did the trick!

We still had some good laughs…

some good snugs…

and even got some work done!

It was such a beautiful time. Ten days at the lake. I am overwhelmingly grateful for our opportunities. To be SO happy at the lake, and SO happy at home. I even got to be the passenger on the drive home, and finished up a crochet project!

I’d call this summer a great success 💜Thank you Lord for all You have done for us!

From Laela

Its not over over for the summer, but school does kick off this week! So we say goodbye for now 💜And see you soon!