All the Mountains We Climb

We ALL have mountains to climb. Without a doubt.

I know many people feel the need to compare mountains. And thats not necessary. EVERY mountain is a challenge to conquer. They all still feel rewarding to overcome. A “smaller” mountain is definitely still a mountain.

When Brady has his first surgery, I hated that I struggled because it was not about me. Except, realistically, of course I was part of it. Of course I struggled, too. Absolutely NO ONE faulted me for that except me. It is literally what brought me into counselling. I needed to be able to suffer without feeling guilty. Yes, Brady’s stuff seemed way bigger than mine. And I think thats a pretty fair statement still. But my suffering was just as important to come through. My struggle was just as relevant. I needed to climb my mountain just as much as he needed to climb his. Both were super important. Very different, but super important. Hopefully Brady’s mountain is wheelchair accessible….. πŸ§‘β€πŸ¦½

Cher gave me this yesterday.

It means a LOT to have you with me on my climb, girl πŸ’œ Your care and love are a huge support, and something I desperately need and do NOT take for granted.

Snacks, however, are on you. I’ll bring the coffee 😘