ALL the Lake Pictures

Ok, so this isn’t all the pictures from our last trip to Kinasao, but its a bunch of them! If you hadn’t noticed, we had SUCH a blast out there that I didn’t want to take mountains of time to write long, detailed blogs. So now, after the fact, here is your standard pic dump with captions! I make no promises that anything is in order!

When we got to the campsite on our first day, it was SO beautiful. All the levelling, shovelling, raking, and fuss we had put into it the weekend before had packed down and it looked just SO nice. I was so happy.

There was even proof that some squirrel friends had used our chopping block as a snacking ground for their chestnut feast. I really liked that, lol! It made me giggle. 🐿️

The kids helped unpack before they ran off to have their own fun. Don’t judge us for the beer! We are NOT big drinkers! But goodness, this little girl is STRONG!

Shameless selfie 😬 Ok, maybe a little shameful. But it was a peaceful selfie.

Some days, the kids played so hard with their friends that they forgot to eat lunch! So they would have occasional apple breaks here and there. Sometimes in the rain.

We needed to wire up our lights a little differently, and suddenly Brady was standing on the cook nook 😳 “Disabled” my ass.

Dekker had a birthday during our trip, as you know. It was such a happy day! As you can see here, part of his gift from my mom was a date! And they are making it COUNT, today, at the Regina science centre and the iMax!

I show you this drink because I really really like it. I am a big fan of Pure Leaf raspberry iced tea, and this is the boozy version. Its SO yummy!

There was ONE bathing suit day. ONE. It was a pretty cute one, though.

I suffered a great fatality at the fire. My cute pink sweater now has two burn holes in it and I’m SO bummed.

We had a LOT of fires.

My mom came out for a day or two, which was SO lovely! In this picture, Laela had had her feelings hurt by a kid at camp who told her she was his best friend, and then immediately threw a bit of a psych at her and said she wasn’t. And she was SO hurt. Poor sweetie. 💔

Don’t judge me. Purple fungus!!! Its SO pretty!!! Its possible I have these pieces of firewood set to the side because they’re just too pretty to burn.

On one particular rainy day, Waverly helped haul all the chairs in. I was still playing with the fire, because as you know, I love the rain. And Wavy came out to join me. I loved that.

A couple of my sweet boys 😍😍

Waverly always wants the last drop of the coffee 😆☕

I sent Dekker and Laela on an adventure in the rain one day. They were gone for about an hour, and the rain had stopped by the time they were back, but they had had a really really good time! I’m excited for them to be better friends again once school is back in!

Aaaaall five in a row!

More fires, and beetle paths!

We were invited to join a family for their daughters birthday fireworks! The kids had SUCH a blast! Ha! Pun.

Cher came and sneakily stayed for a couple of nights! It looks like a mess but she insists she was SO comfy!

Wavy ended up rocking one of Solly’s long sleeved shirts at one point, and Cher’s shoes were a nice touch, too!

Brady began and completed a project!! Eek! I’d tell you ALL about it, but I want him to!

Whew! This is a LOT! I think we’ll make a part two for tomorrow! You’ll get to meet some of our friends 😉