I had a really lovely birthday a couple of days ago. I’ve been meaning to respond to all the messages on Facebook but I haven’t gotten there yet 😬 Please forgive me. I’m terrible at correspondence at the lake. Which I think is “right.” So I’m going with it. But hear me say I am so grateful I had such a beautiful birthday.
Meanwhile, at home, I have been blessed with celebration as well 💜

Had you heard that Im so cool??😎

I’m terrible at removing decorations when the time comes, so these will live on longer than necessary 😆 I did have to undo the bathtub balloons tho. Not immediately…

She also provided cake and pizza pre-birthday, which I will never ever turn down!
The decor was pre-birthday, courtesy of Cher 💜 And a birthday date with Brady is still on its way, as it had to be rescheduled thanks to the endless sickness in our family. Booooo! But I’ll tell you more about that day when we’re home and it’s happened! I’m SO excited!!
I felt loved and celebrated over the last couple of days. And still today, not at all about a birthday, but just about good love 💜
I’m very grateful for my people and all they put into me 💜💜💜 thank you, all. I see you.