Firstly, Waverly is pretty much back to her old self after shots, teething, and a hospital visit. That was a good stretch of shakedowns, and I think she’s finally feeling more like herself. I know that feeling personally, and I’m SO happy for her that she’s back!
Wavy says all kinds of things. Hi and bye. Mom and daddy. I want that. Wear that. Whats that. Eat. Mine. Bite. Yum. Blanket. Grandma. Watch. Dance. Book. Bed. Amen. She mumbles through her siblings names sometimes, and yesterday, she said “LOVE YOU” clear as day ❤️ It. Was. Awesome.
She makes jokes and loves to play! She’ll hold something over her head and say “Ta-da!” She plays a great game of peekaboo, chase, and catch. She loves to be hung upside down and swung in circles, and hangs her arms out like she’s on a roller coaster. She has a dolly she’s favored recently that she carries around and gives kisses. Yesterday, she spun slowly in circles with her baby up in the air. She loves to dance and sing. She sings along to one particular version we have of Deck the Halls. If I had to guess, though, her favorite songs are probably Joy to the Mountain by Hanson, and No Matter Where You Are by Us the Duo. She also loves to pretend she’s on the phone, and holds toys to her ear.
Wavy is super smart and understands a LOT. She knows how to be soft. She can identify her nose, mouth, hair (or ponytail,) hands, feet, and her fave – her belly. She obeys when asked to sit on her bum (another part she recognizes) and will stop when asked. She knows which bed belongs to which kid, and loves to go get her older siblings up from bed.
She eats everything, though recently, is less inclined towards bread. But she’s actually really cooperative and has NO issue with eating whatsoever. Some of our other children always had a beef with food being mixed together, and she does not. She’ll eat anything, and often out-eats her siblings. Not Dekker 😉 but the others. She LOVES smarties (thank you, Halloween) and she just ate cheeseballs the other day, haha! I want to say what her favourite food is but no joke – she loves it all.
Wavy thinks she is the funniest thing. She loves to laugh. She will babble a joke, and then giggle a grunty laugh, very similar to my own, actually. I not-so-secretly love that.
Cher added to the list that she is “better looking and smarter than everyone else’s kids.” She’s not wrong.
I’m sure there’s more, but we’ll leave it at this for now. This little miss is such a bright light in our family. They all are, obviously. No question. I love them all desperately!!