All Along You Were Blooming

Cher here! 

When I visited Hailey and Brady today for a few short minutes, I could tell how tired they were. THEY HAVE DONE SO WELL. I wanted to write a little about my perspective on how I have observed things since Brady has been back. 
First, absolutely everyone is happier. EVERYONE. Even my days are easier, knowing my best friend is okay, and her husband is home and doing well. Wednesday was such a whirlwind day. There have been such big changes for everyone settling back into normal life.. but life isn’t normal. It’s still new. Still, lots to figure out as time goes on. I know they know that. 

When Brady went for his surgery, he took Hailey with him. I didn’t even realize it until he came back home for good. Hailey’s demeanor changed immediately. Her capacity grew. Her observations grew. Her smiles stayed longer. She has that bounce in her step again. Less things seem forced. Still, there is fear, I know. But there is also confidence and relief. 

Hailey and Brady went for their first walk in town yesterday. They stopped by at my house to say hello, and it just felt SO normal. Laughing, joking, hugging. Nothing felt heavy, scary, or weird. I loved that so much. It felt like old times, the three of us being goofs. You should have seen Hailey’s eyes. Just pure happiness. 

Brady is pretty tired from radiation, so he naps a lot more. Yet, he still finds the strength to scoot downstairs and spend time with the kids. He is still himself. Still absolutely welcoming, kind, positive, and funny. I know he is so happy to be home, and so are we. It’s a huge comfort for him I’m sure, but for all of us, to see him walking with crutches and being able to get in and out of the house and vehicle. He is still very independent; despite ALL he has been through. I am absolutely amazed by you, Brady! You have some physical boundaries, but you find ways around them without complaining or ever feeling sorry for yourself. You are such a good example for your kids. 

There is an adjustment period still. I think the most for Hailey. Her brain is so GOOD at soothing itself, but her poor body holds stress. Please pray for her heartburn. It is overwhelming for her, and I know all she wants is to be present and feel good with her family. It seems so unfair that she must endure such pain and discomfort when she should be able to enjoy and embrace the changes. 

I have said a few times before that Hailey is the type that can bloom in a forest fire. Nothing I have said takes away her positive attitude, her faith, her perseverance, or her strength. If anything, she is STRONGER than ever before. She is so capable; more than she will ever admit. All along, she was blooming. 

So, when you think of my Hailey, please pray for her. Pray for them all, too. Pray for smooth. Pray for solutions. Pray for healing.