We justified a nice long sleep in this morning knowing the kids would be extra tired. No one complained. But everyone was still riding a high from watching Wicked. We had breakfast and discussed the days plans.
We’re at a point of change over here that usually gets me feeling a little squirrly and like a lot of things need to be cleaned up and/or purged. And those times are hard to shake off. So today, to pacify me, we had a worky morning. Our kids tend to grumble, and then fall into worky mornings pretty smoothly, and we all feel great when lunch time comes around and we have so much to show for our work.
We spent the morning taking Christmas down, which was a surprisingly short task considering we kind of never put it all the way up. It was a wild season, let me tell you! 😅 We’ve never not set up Christmas! But alas, we got it looking festive enough, and it made for a quick cleanup. We also got some messes off of the counter, and hung some stuff on the walls. Some laundry got done. I made a really yummy supper. I even did a little bit of tidying in my room, which is the last place I tend to prioritize. But, again, changing seasons get me in that mode, so I scratched that itch a little.
Some of this comes on the coattails of our new stovetop arriving on Friday 😍

No, it’s not that gigantic. Its packed really well. But also, yes, it’s pretty huge. I cannot wait to get our new island built, and to get this beast installed. I’m sure thats part of this feeling – preparing for change. There are only so many minutes in a day, but they are indeed precious, and I want to use them well.
Anyways. I’m all over the place. It was nice to work all morning and get so much done. It was nice to sit a bit in the afternoon. Not a lot, but a little. It was a yummy supper. it was nice to see Rae and Tom in the evening. There is so much to be grateful for! Thank you Lord for ALL You’ve given us 💜