It really goes such a long way to have a doctor like we have. I brought in our latest Peanut for an appointment first thing this morning, and was greeted by a resident who told me that our doctor had just told her all about us and spoke very highly of us. What is so extra bizarre is that this is not the first time a doctor has said that to us 💜 Our doctor will vouch for us, day in and day out, and we know it for certain. We feel SO fortunate to have her on our team!
The resident we saw today was also very lovely. She gave our baby a good well check, and inquired about any concerns I have. As mentioned a week or so ago, my main concerns lie in babys feeding, and that has started to improve drastically since earlier this week when we began thickening the formula. Thats been a whole learning curve as well!! We used thickeners with the Morsel, but that was at a later age than we’re looking at here, so its all entirely different. Anyway.
Baby appeared to be well and doing everything right. Our doctor ducked in to join the appointment, and the resident left shortly thereafter to get into her next appointment. Dr. Guselle and I finished off what we were talking about regarding the Peanut, and then we spoke a bit about my other kids, and also Brady and all the messy stuff that he’s going through right now. We commiserated on the frustration surrounding scheduling things and advocating when you’re not being heard. As we spoke, I watched the wheels turn, and sure enough, by the end of our appointment, she had some new ideas of how to help us. I truly don’t know what we will ever do when she retires. Man is she ever invested.
It was a lovely appointment, as it pretty much always is. But then, I packed up the Peanut (Ha! Packing Peanut) and we drove home. Cher was at the house with the other babies, cleaning for me 💜 I got home and immediately put on sweatpants. Weekend mode has begun!
Tomorrow has many moving parts, but not too many to manage. All the moving parts can be managed with sweats and coffee, with the Wicked soundtrack playing in the background.
Here’s to the weekend!