Yesterday’s blog ended with the sickening issue of water damage on our ceiling. While we have no concrete answers at this very moment, we have hope, information, and some local people who are willing to get up there and help us. What a relief. Once again, our community swoops in to help 💜 We are so fortunate.
it was a very full day yesterday, which was welcomed. There has been a LOT of reminiscing recently, so thats a lot of what you’ll be reading on here in the days to come. Yesterday marks a year since Brady finally got his MRI. It turned out to be the first of many, but we were so ready to finally have gotten the attention Brady so desperately needed! Little did we know, the MRI would leave us with more questions than what we started with. We were told of a foggy, undefined area of the thoracic spine, which could mean a mass, but could also mean something as simple as an issue of blood flow. We still had hope, but goodness, just remembering how those days felt gives me the full-body shivers.
My body was aching to be prepared. Maybe you remember, maybe not. I was meal prepping. I would have a weeks worth of cheese rolls and pre-chopped veggies ready for the kids lunches at all times. I was pre-writing blogs. I had a bag packed for Brady and a list of last minute things to grab in case we ever had to move fast. I had childcare lined up for just about everything.
All that preparing, and we still had no idea what was coming. As in ZERO.
My body feels that same fear these days – the desperate need to prepare for the worst. I cannot shake it, but I think its something it just has to get through, so I continue to coast as smoothly as I can. Which is not very smooth.
Some memories can be really good, though. Lots of good memories made, and MANY more to make 💜
One day, some of these February days won’t feel as heavy. Please, Lord, protect us.