On a day where my heart is heavy and the temperature outside is cold, I spent a beautiful day in my warm house with my closest friends. I am SO fortunate.
Brady went to work early, and the kids and I took our time getting the day started. Jerilee came with coffee, and we visited while the kids played nicely together for the morning. Except Waverly.

She wasn’t feeling very well, and was a bit of an emotional wreck. She would come for a snuggle, but the moment she wanted to be done, she’s struggle and fuss. I’d set her back down, she’d take two steps, and immediately disintegrate again. It cycled all morning, which was pretty exhausting. She rallied right around 11:00 out of nowhere, so she got some happy playtime in before we packed it in around 11:45 for lunch. Everyone ate lunch pretty well, and Wavy giggled the whole way to her nap.
Jerilee left shortly after naptime started, and Cher took a study break and joined me for a couple of hours in the afternoon. We visited quietly while Dekker and Laela assembled a lego set together. It was so nice to see them play and work together with minimal arguing. We had a nice, quiet afternoon together.
Brady finished his house much quicker than we had anticipated, and made it home around 3:30, just as the nappers were waking up. It just all timed out so nicely.
The evening will just be the seven of us, and leftover tacos are on the menu. I love taco night that I always make a couple batch and then just eat the leftovers consistently until they’re gone. Anyone else??