I don’t have any complaints about today. Not one.
We had a big breakfast with my mom and my sisters family. The kids played hard all morning and the adults visited at the table until it was time to split for quiet time.
We rested. I got to lay eyes on Cher for a few minutes 💜 I crocheted.
I made broccoli salad, and recruited Dekker to make the dressing. He was actually happy to help me, and we had a nice time!

Once quiet time was over, we went to play at the park for a bit. It was finally nice enough out to spend some good time out there! Lovely!

We came home after a stretch and made a delicious supper of some good hot mennonite food. I should be straight up – I did not cook this one. Besides the broccoli salad, I did jack all. But it was absolutely delicious.
Speaking of delicious, so is the boozey egg nog from Costco. It is delicious.
The time came to wrap up the evening, and pots were washed up super fast as the kids tidied and the cousins got their jackets and boots on. Out the door they went, and to bed ours went very shortly thereafter.
And now, we rest. Last night was a total bust for me. I woke up shortly after midnight and that was it for me. So I’m very much hoping for a tad more sleep before we spend our last morning with my sisters family! Pancakes and bfast sausage are on the menuuuuu!!!
Sleep well, friends!