A Team Effort

I could not have finished off my latest crochet project without all the backup I’ve had. From Brady shouldering some extra things around the house to loved ones taking babies for a couple of hours here and there, I finally completely the blanket I started so many months ago! 

Kinasao has a celebration weekend every summer, and last year I put a blanket in for the silent auction. Once the weekend had come and gone, and my blanket had successfully sold, I felt like I could make another one for the next summers event. Insecurities aside, I made a beautiful foresty blanket, even adding the name “Kinasao” in the middle. Oh and I snuck some dwellings amongst the trees as well 🌲 I think it turned out really well!! 

I love how it came together. On time. Here at camp. It turned out nicely, and while I’m actually quite taken with it, I’m glad it’s done! The timeline is off, and the other projects on my docket either have no deadline, or one that is months off. So the pressure is off 💜 

But beautiful things are made under pressure, isn’t that the truth! 😍