Today was super out of sorts, but in an odd way.
Upon getting Laela up, we learned she had thrown up in the night. She had chosen to take care of it on her own, and had changed her jammies and had slept on the other side of her bed. I was kind of shocked and reassured her that we wanted to know if she was sick in the night, and she should really know that she could come up and ask for help. She promised me she knew, but had opted not to risk waking Waverly. She told me she was perfectly fine doing it on her own. I was really surprised, but I also wasn’t, because she’s a super brave, capable little girl. All of those details aside, she had thrown up, and would need to stay home for the day. So that was that. Dekker went off to school on his own.
Then there was Rowan. He was getting ready for preschool and was in bad shape. Not sick necessarily, but SO grouchy. There was a time a while back when he didn’t do so well at preschool, and had had a tantrum, with lots of crying and fussing. That day, he had told me he hadn’t slept well. And today, he had said the same thing. He hadn’t slept. So we decided it was best to keep him home. He was choked, but just for a minute or two. Maybe he knew it was a good choice. So that was that.
However, I was on the calendar to be the parent helper today! I knew it was going to be odd to be there without Rowan, and I wasn’t wrong! It continued along the theme of being a super weird morning.
Four children showed up at preschool. Four. Less than half of the class. It was SO strange to have such a small group, but I truly enjoyed it. It was so low key, and while time didn’t move as fast, it was nice and quiet and relaxing. It was easier to talk amongst the group and the free play stretches were really calm. It was super different, but also super nice.
When I got home, Brady had the kids eating lunch, and shortly thereafter, I moved downstairs to get some knitting going. I’m really enjoying all of my projects, and I think I’m enjoying them extra because I’m more confident it’ll all get done in time. I can breathe a little easier.
Now that we’re towards the end of the afternoon, I can update that all four of the kids at home today napped. Laela is still comfortable at her spot on the couch, but seems in good spirits.

Rowan is maybe a bit more optimistic this morning, but he’s also pretty slow moving. We’ll likely know soon if he’s going to turn up sick, too, or if he’s just in need of some extra sleep. Wish us luck!!
Breakfast for supper tonight! Because its both delicious, and has been a backwards day, so we’ll keep that feeling going.