A Sunday Back at Church

I haven’t been at church in a good while! My family has made it a few more times than I have, as I tend to stick home with the sickies, or the babies, whenever that is needed. And it has been. A handful of times recently! So today, after a quick drive in to Saskatoon, I made it home back and into the church with less than a minute before the service began 😅 Whew!

Of course I was barely in the service, as our morsel was particularly active this morning. Sunday mornings are hard with babies, thats just the facts. So the morsel and I hung around in the foyer, sipping the coffee of the church and eating the Cheerios of others. We visited with friends and neighbours as they came in and out of the service, and when it all wrapped up, we brought our loud selves back into the sanctuary to join our family and reconnect with some friends 💜 It was really, really nice to be back.

We lingered at church until we were among the last handful of people to leave. We are so often those people, haha! We finally made it home and had a glamorous late lunch of leftovers before heading back into the city. For two days of freezing rain, the roads were not as bad as I anticipated. It was a smooth outing, and we made it back just in time for a normally timed light supper, hahaha! My mom and I whipped up a quick batch of Big Mac salad for the group, and very shortly after supper came bedtime.

It was a funny day today. It felt like we just ran and ran, but I know we didn’t. I’ll do a bit more sitting tomorrow, I think. Or I’ll find myself crazy busy instead, haha! Who knows! But it should be a bit more relaxed. My body is asking for a bit more rest than its getting these days, and I’d like to stay afloat. So wish me luck, friends! Tomorrow 🙌 we rest!