A Spring Walk

We used to go for a family walk every evening a couple of years ago, and it became a nice tradition! It has petered out over time, with life getting fuller and a bit more chaotic in a few different areas. 🏕👶🏼🧠 Ya know. But as Brady recovers more and more, and the weather gets nicer and nicer, we have been trying to get out there and soak up some of that fresh air!

The last two evenings, we’ve taken the kids out on walks. The first night, we hit the park. How old does Rowan look?!

Fun!!! And…

Terror!! 😂 Poor Solly!

And the second night, we made our way to the high school track, since Laela had expressed interest in going running with a friend who ended up not being able to join her after school today. No biggie! We went as a fam! Dekker had youth both evenings, but he was able to join for at least a little today 🙂

Today we even managed to get both babies into the bike trailer and hooked it on Brady’s wheelchair, so the Batec pulled three people tonight instead of just one! A VERY cute setup, I only wish I could show you all 💜 You’ll have to take my word for it.

Welp. Its almost 8:30, which means its basically my bedtime 😅 The walks tucker the kids out, but also the parents. I’m ready.



We have been following your post and look forward to reading each update every day. We are praying for you all! Garth and Debbie E.