A Sense of Tumour: Staple Removal

Yesterday, at two weeks and one day post brain surgery, I took Brady (and the babies) in to our family doctor to get the staples removed from his incision. It was a little crazy, to be honest. They had advised him in the hospital that he could really go anywhere, any ole walk-in or medi clinic, to get them out. We were once again SO relieved that we have such a beautiful relationship with our doctor. After a simple text conversation, she booked Brady in, and yesterday was that day!

Ok but first, we went for Frostys and fries, because that was Bradys lunch of choice, and I did not argue with that!!!

We didn’t wait long for the appointment to start. Just enough to take one final picture of ALL the staples in place. All 41 of them.

But before long, Dr. Guselle surfaced and they got started!! Ack!

When all was said and done, she did not rush out at all, but rather asked what else she could possibly do for us in regards to any member of our family. It actually got REALLY cute, when our little Morsel crawled over and smacked at her, begging to be up on her lap. She plucked our baby up off the floor and they sat together for a few minutes while we talked. It felt so comfortable and relaxed. I loved it. I wish I could share pictures on here of the encounter, and I can’t, but I can assure you it warmed my heart to the nth degree 💜

When it was time to go, she saw us all the way out into the waiting room, and thanked us for “coming over,” which I also loved 💜 We have SUCH a good thing there.

We got out to the van and took Bradys “after” picture.

So if you can look past the crusted blood and dead skin, the incision has closed SO nicely! There are a couple of lifty spots but they are well on their way to healing.

Especially since Brady is still not allowed to really scrub at them at all. But once we got home, he showered up good and proper, and I lightly took a cloth to the surrounding areas of his scar to get it as cleaned up as possible. And it actually looks fabulous!

Doesn’t it look so good??? Its going to disappear into his buzz so soon and you’ll never know it was there! The part that pokes out onto his forehead is the only part that may still be somewhat visible. Or so I thought…

This afternoon, we were granted a few kid-free hours, and Brady slept through most of them 💜 While he slept and I played with yarn and watched true crime, I caught a glimpse of how great his scar is going to heal and I’m just so encouraged 💜

Isn’t that AMAZING?! No one is going to know that scar existed. It is closed SO well and just right along the perfect lines. Man. Dr. Fourney is an artist!

After the staples came out, Brady immediately felt relief. No more tightenings or zinging up there. Less bothersome itching. Less pain. Just, his own skin and his own self. SO much more comfortable.

As he said to me, thats two down! He’s come off of his steroid, and his staples are out! Just one more med left to come off and then rest and recovery!! He is on his way!!

Thank ALL you beautiful people for following along on this crazy ride!! We wait for pathology and some follow up scans to come, so please continue to carry Brady in your prayers 💜