The next post in the series of the story is surgery day, and today has not at all supplied me with the time I need to actually write that out well. So rather, I interrupt our usual programming to let you know, in case you don’t, that Brady is home with us 💜

*whispers* and he has been since Sunday afternoon.
I kind of started telling the whole story before I realized I hadn’t updated that he had come home, but he did! On his third day post-op, he was cleared of any risk factors via MRI and sent home. It was quick and surprising, and we didn’t question it!
We had the pleasure of getting home to an empty, peaceful house. My mom and Rae had taken the kids off to watch some curling and get a change of scenery, so Brady and I sat cozy in the living room and took some deep breaths.

In some ways, we have some normalcy. And in other ways, the entire thing is still totally surreal.
Brain surgery was one week ago. One. Like. Last week, someone cut his head open…
Speaking of that, I’d like to show some pictures from the day of and into recovery. Some might have IVs, or blood, or stitches. Can everyone hack it? I guess I’m not really asking for permission. Just a warning that the next couple will be a touch more graphic if you don’t prefer any blood or yuck. Everyones ick factor is different, and I don’t think my husband is icky. But if you might think his surgery is, I suggest skipping the next couple of posts 💜 No harm no foul.
Happy Easter break, everyone 💜 Take a deep breath and put your feet up if possible. Rest.