Well, friends. Today we begin a new blog series, and it’s a doozy. But it is time to share it with those who follow us and invest in our lives, and that is many of you people 💜 As if the last three years haven’t carried enough change and challenge with them, we are coming into yet another season of indescribable uncertainty.
So let’s just get into it, shall we?
Brady is having brain surgery on Thursday.
I know there is more to explain. There is obviously more to it. My mental energy is not so good today, but I’ll give you the little details.
Brady grew a mass in his brain.
It sat unchanged for a good while.
It prompted a seizure a couple months back.

We decided with our surgeon to (in his own words) whack it out.
And today – March 18th – we got the surgery date – March 21st. Admitted on March 20th.
That’s in two days.
There is a LOT more to all of this, and I’d like to be able to make some posts on the subject, but I am not putting a concrete date on them, for obvious reasons.
As far as speculating goes, this go-round should be simpler than the last one. Shorter. Less terrifying. Faster healing. Only God knows how it will turn out, but we have every confidence that His hand is in it, and He will be guiding our capable surgeons hands as he operates on Brady’s brain.

I’m sure you can guess how hard its been to (ready?) wrap our brains around all of this. Its brought a lot of (ready?) nerves forward. And now, its all coming to (ready?) a head.
We are praying for peace that passes all understanding. For confidence in Christ as our faith is tested in one of the most frightening ways we can imagine.
Thank you for carrying us in prayer, friends 💜