After Laela woke me up early this morning, we decided a few more of our kids needed to be seen. Alongside that, Brady needed to be seen again. His coughing was worse than ever this morning, and come to learn that the doctor (not our doctor) at his previous appointment hadn’t even addressed his month-long cough. Which obviously needed attention.
So Brady loaded up the three middle kids and took them to Warman.
Laela’s left ear hurt.
Rowan has been deaf for days.
Solomon’s ears are plugged as of this morning, but he’s been sick forever and a day.
It wasn’t long before they were in a room. They were paired with a doctor I saw when Dekker broke his collar bone. He had been SO good with him! Its always a relief to know the doctor you’re seeing is good with kids. Especially when you bring in three.

Brady covered ALL the bases in their appointment! I am SO impressed! I know those times sometimes feel really high pressure, and he got it ALL! 💜
Rowan and Solomon both have fluid plugging up both ears. No signs of infection! Just, plugged, leftover from the weeks of congestion. Anyone else with this endless cold???
Laela, too, has fluid plugging both of her ears. Her left ear is also infected.
Brady’s day and a half of antibiotics for his ear infection have already done some good. They cleared up his right ears outer infection enough to reveal that there was also lots of infection in the inner portion of his ear. His left ear was previously too full of wax to see into, but this doctor today offered to blast that wax out, and when he did, he found lots of redness and irritation which was likely also an ear infection before Brady started the antibiotics! So yay for already being on the right stuff for a triple ear infection! Hahahaha! For his throat, he expressed that he’s missing work now, and needs to find some way to suppress his cough. The doctor offered him a “big boy cough medicine” to try, and if it doesn’t make him too drowsy, he can absolutely use it and go back to work 🙂

Beyond that, nasal spray ALL around! Because that is our current best option to nip the congestion in the bud and finally clear out everyone’s ears!!
What a huge morning! I feel a lot more hopeful than I did yesterday, with directions to move in, treatments to provide, and betterment on the horizon!
Wish us luck! We REALLY want to go back to the lake if we can at all see some positive progress!