A Quiet Moment

Now that I’m typing this, it’s going to end. But I’m going to risk it…

Currently, three children are napping. One is sleeping. Two are at least very quiet in their rooms. I couldn’t say for sure.

I can hear a baby swing whirring, with a jingly toy slowly circling above.

Lego is clicking. Book pages are turning.

Laundry is being sorted and folded.

And I suppose my keys are clicking, also.

It is SO peaceful for the moment. There is still much to do, but for the moment, I am grateful for this quiet break in the day.

The morning contained coffee and visits.

Then lunch.

Then a handful of important phone calls.

A little bit of worrying. A little bit of scrolling. A lot of trying to keep things straight and level.

And after naps, I’ll load up all the kids into the van and head to the next thing!

Is it bedtime yet?