The elementary school held a “Family Reading Lunch” event, where families were invited to join their kid for lunch and reading. They do it a couple of times a year, and we usually work pretty hard to get there, even if its just one of us. Today, that was the case. Brady was home, and the other kids were lagging hard through their lunches, so I went on my own. Usually, we find a spot to sit in the hallway, but this time, we ventured outside.
(Yes, I know my hair looks fly.)

We sat together while he ate in the wind. At one point, I pulled a “Look over there” and took a bite of his sandwich that he held in his hand. He laughed so hard, he could not get it back together! It was so funny 🙂
Once he had eaten and we’d read a couple of the books he brought out with us, he took to the swings. I gave him an under-duck, which I have not done in YEARS! He was so stoked, and laughed and kicked his legs and celebrated. He was super happy.

He spent a nice little half hour in the sun together before I went home and he continued on with his day. You know I needed that sun…

He does he tan SO much nicer than I do?? He’s his fathers son, thats for sure.
But obviously, the higher priority was the one on one time, and I truly enjoyed that, too. I like that he’s still young enough that he kisses me on the lips before he bolts off to play. He told me all about his day and whats to come. We talked about track and field day, and what he’s excited about. It was good to touch base intentionally with him.
Was lovely to spend lunch with you, Dekker!