A New Toy

I want to tell you ALL about Waverly’s birthday party yesterday, but I can’t for a few reasons! They all run together, but here you have them!

I had done a little pre-writing about her birthday, but that post is packed away on the iPad, which I don’t have access to right now. I don’t have it available, because its packed! Because we’re going away for the weekend, and its coming along! Woohoo! So I’ll share more details when I can get that document back in my hands.

Also, with us leaving for the weekend, I’m taking a quick break from packing and should get back to it, so no time for big details at the moment. But you’ll definitely get them, along with an amazing haul of beautiful pictures! Thank you, Cher, for those. 💜

Just one little preview 😍

Lastly, you might ask yourself how I’m even writing this post. You probably aren’t, but just go with me 😉 Months ago, our laptop started to really fail us. It was slow as molasses, and worst of all, half of the keyboard quit working. We tried all kinds of things, and it couldn’t rally. We worked around it, and I just started blogging on my iPad, which I actually really like. But the laptop was still something we used a lot and it was getting harder and harder. And then we remembered, of all things, our age old credit card points.

When Brady and I were 18, we each got a visa card. They were the lowest on the totem pole, “free with your new account” cards, and they grew points sooooooo sloooooow. But, 14 years later, we had just shy of the amount we needed for a brand new macbook!! So, we bit that bullet not long ago, paying about $160 in taxes and fees, and here I am, blogging on our beautiful dark grey skinny mini new MacBook Air! Woop woop! I’m so thankful to have a fully working laptop again!

All that to say, its too new and we’re not bringing it this weekend 😆 Oh and hey, yes we’re gone this weekend. Our house is being actively checked on, so watch it 🤨

Aaaaanyway. Waverly’s birthday was SO special and SO pretty, and I can’t wait to tell you all about, but since I’ve started even typing this shorty post, Solly has somehow managed to pee on his own head (not joking) so I’m pretty sure I’m needed. Packing is not – I repeat NOT – going smoothly! Haha!

Happy Friday, friends!