Yesterday morning was indeed something of a nightmare, but I am not above a silver lining! I still got all my needs met, and got to everywhere I needed to get. We also had some great wins otherwise, but they’re all related to our foster children, so unfortunately they remain off the blog :/ Merp.
Today was a much smoother start. I knew which vehicle I was using (the one that drives, duh) and didn’t fall behind in getting it started. My wallet was in it. It had enough gas. I was way better set up.
I loaded the morsel and the lemon drop into the bus to get to our morning appointment on time. I found appropriate parking easily, thanks to a wise helpful friend, and we made it to our appointment on time!
It was a VERY successful appointment! HUGE strides, real WINS! Thank you Lord!!!
I hadn’t picked up a coffee the day before, because, you know, no wallet. The last time I picked up coffee was Friday, and my special coffee became an iced coffee in the time it took me to retrieve the lemon drop. It turned out to be quite a disappointing coffee. So I justified buying myself a coffee today, and wouldn’t you know it – Starbucks has LEMON cake pops!! They are SO delicious it might be a problem…..

*drools just remembering*
I got everyone home and unloaded. One babe was eating and one was dozing, and I figured I could start to sorrrrrt of aim towards productivity. I pulled out some freezer stuff – pumpkin purree, bananas, and butter, with the thought of baking in mind. I figured, if everything fell apart and I had no chance at actually baking, at least it was defrosted and I could pick away at baking on the weekend.
And then 🙌 I baked ALL AFTERNOON.
Twelve dozen muffins and four loaves of banana bread got baked up! They’re still out, waiting to be wrapped, but goodness I have NO gumption to do it just yet, hahaha! Maybe I can pimp it out on the kids today, lol! I also peeled and cut a big bag of carrots and put them in water in the fridge. That will make cooked carrots SO fast in the coming days, and those are a staple over here at the moment. I felt quite accomplished this afternoon, and I’m going to ride that feeling, hahaha! After MANY bad nights of “sleep” where I didn’t actually sleep, I’m very grateful to have slept some last night, and I feel like I can take on the world! 💪
All glory to God!! 💜 And maybe a little bit of credit to that sugar coated lemon cake pop 👌🍋