Brady and I needed to run into Saskatoon for a couple of things this morning. Cher lovingly offered for us to leave early to go have a little breakfast date, and she got the kids out the door and off to school. It was SUCH a nice offer, and we readily took her up on it!
We left shortly after 8am and hit Grainfields for food. Before we even were seated, a man approached us and commented that he had seen us on tv 😆 It was a good little giggle we shared, but were seated seconds later. We ate a really delicious breakfast together.

He’s sitting all scrunched because I couldn’t get everything in the picture without cutting the top of his head off, lol!
Our food was yummy, and we took our time, but still made it to his blood appointment on time. I debated going into the mall and killing some time while he had his blood draw, but it was in and out in less than five minutes! SO fast! From there, we ran to Michaels and got some yarn for a gift I’m making, as well as for an order that was put in a while ago that I simply could not find the right yarn for. I have it all on hand now! (Haven’t forgotten you basket people, I promise! Still actively working!)
While we ran around and did errands, Cher play with Solly and Wavy. They did puzzles and ate spaghetti.
Just try to tell me Solly isn’t a carbon copy of Brady!

Who is SO good at puzzles?!

It was a very cute, very productive morning. Of course, on our drive home, we realized we forgot some things, but we’ll be in the city at least once more this week anyway, so we can do those things then 💜 For today, it was just really nice to take our time, and actually go into stores together.
One hour until the kids get home! To crocheting I go!