A Moment of Peace

You might have noticed that our lives are fairly busy over here. Really, everyone is busy. Big families are busy. Small families are busy. Single people are busy. Establishments are busy. Heck, even the flies in the house that refuse to die are still getting busy! 😳 Clearly, no one is immune to the busyness of the season.

We went to church this morning. It is the first time in MONTHS. With Bradys brain surgery and recovery, and then a summer of camping, and then still a couple weeks of sickness, we have not been able to make it happen. The last time we did ALL make it to church was during Brady’s recovery in spring, and he found the bustling social aspect incredibly difficult :/ Which was NO ONES FAULT!!! It was just his brain, and the neuro pathways that needed rebuilding. I remember so clearly observing someone come over to him, hold out their hand, and say “It is SO good to see you, Brady.” And Brady regarded this person blankly for a confident five seconds before putting his hand out. It was HARD. But every last one of us was eager to get back there! So today was a big first. And a lovely one 💜

As often happens, we were among the last to leave. Everyone was happy, Brady included. We got home, and I instantly left to go gather up some grocery items I had forgotten. Brady made sure everyone ate at least a snack, and he got the babies down for naps. I brought him back ice cream for lunch and we sat for maybe twenty minutes before the babies started talking and I got up to get on supper.

At that point of the afternoon, Brady was absolutely WIPED. So he took off for a nap. Laela and Wavy took the Morsel downstairs to play. The Spoonful and the Lemon Drop are hanging around upstairs, crawling and shuffling around totally happily. Dekker just got back from running an errand. Rowan is playing in his room. Solly is building lego at the table. And I’m in the kitchen, surrounded by yummy smells.

For this moment, it feels really peaceful and calm. These moments come around sometimes, but not often, and I really enjoy them when they do. I have ham and pineapple on a big pan, cooking into a honey glaze. I have broccoli roasting as well, with parmesan and garlic. And baby potatoes roasting just with oil and salt, which will be dressed after the fact with bacon, peppers, and cheesy ranch. (<— Me trying to convince my kids to like potatoes) Carrots are boiling on the stove as well. And I pulled out some pint ginger ale, and 7up as well, which I’ll bloop the pineapple juice into for those that want. There’s even a little whipped cream to top off the gigantic Costco pumpkin pie I got the other day! 🥧

I think its going to be a yummy supper, and I’m feeling really happy to be able to serve my family at this time. It gets to feel like a drag sometimes, I’m sure thats not surprising. We all feel that. Not the flies, clearly 🙄 but the rest of us. I am SO grateful to have this family to feed and care for and do special things for, when I can.

We celebrate Thanksgiving today, and Brady’s birthday tomorrow! A lovely big weekend of celebrating while also being as low key as humanly possible! 🥳🥱

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone 💜 What are you thankful for?

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