A Mixed Bag

So many little things to write about and none of them really go together! So, be ready for a bit of a hodge podge post!

A couple of days ago, Rowan decided it was time he rode a two wheeler. He asked if we could remove the training wheels off of Laela’s old teeny tiny princess bike. Brady did, and Ro proceeded to take his first wobbly bike ride up our street. He was SO proud of himself. By literally the next day only, he was able to start and stop on his own. He. Is. Amazing!

Its possible he wiped out hard after this picture was taken, but was immediately relieved to learn there was photographic evidence of him “biking with one hand.” Lol!

Another milestone alert is for Waverly! Part of our rush for getting the basement done is that our little girl is still sleeping in our room, and we’re ready for that to change. She lulls constantly, any time we move around, get up to pee, or get to bed later. But she’s WAY less invested in her milk. So much so that we’ve stopped giving it to her. She LOVES food way more, and drinks almost enough at her meals. We’re suddenly at the point where she has a bottle before bed, though I don’t think that’ll last much longer at all, and thats IT for bottles. Formula is over and done with, Brezza is washed and packed away, and her baby stage is coming to a close before my eyes. Its crazy. But Waverly has begun sleeping through the night, and will very soon be in her own space for night. I’m both happy and sad. I’m happy we’ll all sleep better, but I’ll miss her. She was the peachiest little overnight guest.

She ate two perogies, a big chunk of sausage, and a good scoop of roasted broccoli! Yum!

Unrelated to milestones. Cher came over today and asked to take the big kids to the park during quiet time. There was a big loose dog nearby, unbeknownst to them, and she managed to get them all up on top of a structure and distract them for a while until the owner showed up and retrieved his dog. WIN! I appreciated the break so much, and the kids were SO happy. Thank you for that, my friend <3

One GORGEOUS crew, if you ask me!

I’m onto a new crafty project! Thank you to those who shared their input on Instagram today about my weird scarf pattern. While the majority of you said the project was fine, it was not a shut out. And I was on team “this is ugly,” so a decision was made. I pulled it out. But I’m much more excited about what I’ve started, so, win for me!!

No picture of that, because, spoilers.

Basement work continues! Its a MESS down there, but once the bathroom is installed, the big boxes can be flattened and put away, and there will be a bit more room to move around. We still have a ways to go, but we just need the space to be usable. That being said, we can’t foot every bill for every think we need to finish it just yet. If anyone has a big, cushy Costco-esque carpet kicking around that they’re done with for the moment, please let us know. The flooring part of the basement is going to be a doozy, and if we can makeshift it for a bit, I think thats the route we’d take. Sooooo throw me a message if you can help out in this way! There will be pictures to come soon enough 🙂 But nothing looks too different today than it did yesterday!

Whew! I think thats it for the moment! I’m sure I’m forgetting something, but conveniently, I’m here every day 🙂 See you tomorrow!