I had a pretty good list of things to get done today. I waited anxiously for the babies to go down for naps and would you believe me if I told you that ALL THREE napped at once?!?! Of course, QP had to nap in the swing, not in bed, but that was ok. There is sooooo much vomit that comes out of that baby, the swing is my saving grace sometimes.
I got to work tidying up some spaces that have just filled with junk. Some stuff that needs attention. Some stuff that just needs to be reorganized. Lots that needs to be carried downstairs. Stuff that the kids have dumped. I was elbow deep in a big bag of yarn that I wanted to re-roll and donate to the local Fibrary when I was reminded that I was participating in a baking exchange this weekend! So considering I had done most of what I could in that moment anyway, I dove into baking. And while I thought I might just finish part of the first batch possibly, but I accidentally finished up a nice double batch of homemade oreos ✅✅

Yes. They are as good as they look! And, as a bonus, somehow I had way too much cream cheese frosting sooooo its saved for the inevitable next batch of these suckers!
Mmmmm. Tis the season for treats.