Whew! Today was busy and fun and rainy! I actually really liked today 😊
The day began with rain 😍 I love rain. Had you heard? Yet, not knowing just how much it might rain, I went outside to water everything in my yard, just to be on the safe side. My front flowerbed is blooming beautifully!!! My irises are big and bright purple, and my peonies have buds! Woot! My little daisy grove is budding, and my little front tree isn’t dead yet, so I’ll call it a win! The backyard looked good too, though the garden hadn’t done anything especially new or exciting. Still, the lettuce is growing happily, but the rest seemed tucked away and boring. I blame our somewhat crappy dirt. But most things are still alive, albeit dry. I’m trying!
Cher came over mid-morning for a coffee date before she joined me on an errand run. I needed to hit up a few different stores for a few different things, and she had a small handful of things to look for, too. On our way out of town, I was able to pick up a small Joe Fresh order from the post office. Woot! Meanwhile, a couple of necessities from Amazon shipped! Double woot!
I’m not going to talk about the errands in great detail, but we got all of the important stuff done, and grabbed some take-out lunch from Summer Roll on the way home. Vermicelli for me, pad Thai for her, and ginger beef for Brady.
We got home after the kids had eaten lunch, so the three of us decided to treat ourselves to a couple episodes of a show downstairs while we ate. It was SO relaxing, and also delicious. I’ve missed noodle bowls.
Cher went home after nap time, and I walked over to my moms house to help her with some things. We only took about an hour there before I convinced her to join us for supper at our house! It was barely raining anymore (boooo 👎) but it was still nice to walk together! I LOVE the rain. Had you noticed?
We ate an easy supper of grilled cheese and clam chowder. And I say “easy” becaaaaause I couldn’t resist and I gave Brady his Father’s Day gift early!!!

😱 RIGHT?!?!?! Previously, his electric frying pan cooked four sandwiches at once, and they didn’t fit well. This one fits eleven. So, upgrading. Boom!
That was easily the thing I was most excited about today, until Brady and I walked through the garden with my mom and found new life!!!
We have dill…..


And potatoes!!!!!

I am oddly excited about all of this, I know, but I’m SO happy it’s working! Now if my poor starter tomatoes could survive these gale force winds, that would be ideal…..
I hope your day was as good as mine 💜