A Letter to Hailey

An unexpected, deeply welcomed post from my mom 💜 Please enjoy.


Dear Hailey.  

With love, mama jeanne  

Note: I’m sending you this nonfiction short story, in hopes, that someday you may want to use  this as one of your posts in your blog. We know that this is about you and I, but it is also  bigger than that.  

Not long ago, the old north wind was blustering up a dark storm in my soul. “You are  worthless, without value, invisible and lack any beauty”, screamed the wind as it tried to flatten  me. Yes, I knew these dark clouds and murmurings were lies. I knew God had planned for me before the world began, that He loved me dearly, and that because of Christ, I was complete  and a masterpiece. But that day, the recent words and actions of someone who I knew, were fighting hard to reopen old wounds. The battle was on and I seemed to be losing ground. The  pain and anger at the injustice just intensified instead of calming.  

I wasn’t dying and I knew peace would show up again in the morning and that God was good  and faithful. But, even so, that day I was feeling lonely and was longing for a hug of understanding and encouragement. I really wanted someone who knew the real me, to tell me that I was precious and valuable and beautiful. And so I called my neighbour a few blocks  away; I call you, my daughter. You’ve known me every day of your life. Hailey, you picked up even though you were at an appointment on your own. The kids and Brady were at home and  it was soon supper time. After your appointment, instead of racing home, you came racing to  me. Brady was all in and happy to feed the kids. You came into my place and you sat quietly  and let me splash all my pain and sorrow and anger out all over you. You heard me and you  saw me and you defended me, out loud, to me. And then you spoke words of comfort and  truth back into my wounded heart.  

After a squishy warm hug, you headed home to your family who also needed love and  attention.  

When you left, I was exhausted from the strong winds of the battle. I was bruised from being tossed in the waves. Time would heal that. Hailey, I knew the the truth about myself before you came over, but that day I just wanted there to be someone who told me they agreed with me and that they loved me. You left me that evening, comforted, at peace, and feeling loved. Love is the greatest gift of all.  

I see you, my beautiful daughter and dear friend …….. your gracious and tender spirit …. your  wisdom beyond your years….. you are a special blessing and gift to me from God! Thank you  so much. I love you, sweetheart!  

If this gets into Hailey’s blog I want to challenge us…..  

Let’s try, even today, to listen to someone without interrupting them, and wait till they are  totally finished talking. It’s ok to have moments of silence in between words. I think it would  make a huge difference , literally, in this world, if we sat down and dropped everything, (even  for just a few minutes) when someone wanted to talk to us. Sit down, and watch, and listen.


I am blessed beyond belief. Thank you, Lord, for my mom 💜 Words cannot express.


Hailey you are such a product of the mothering you’ve had! Everything your Mom says about you……I can say from experience about HER. That’s the Heart of Jeanne I have loved for over twenty years. What a rich, rich blessing. To God be the glory!


I COMPLETELY agree with absolutely ALL of this about my dear mama. She is one of the best, truly! YES! To God be ALL the glory!!