A Hard Week

I can’t pinpoint what brought me here, but its felt like an extra difficult week for me. It has been busy, of course, but I’ve taken appropriate breaks all along, even more than usual. Most evenings this week, I’ve gotten a soak in the tub and Brady has even managed most of the bedtime stuff with the kids on his own. I’ve had it really, really good.

I’ve been sick, which adds, of course. Its been hard to communicate with my children without a voice. It was worse earlier in the week, but I haven’t caught up. There have been multiple things up every single day this week, and Brady has stayed at work late a couple of times, which isn’t a big deal in the grand scheme of things but felt really extra taxing this week.

Today, the goal has been to pack. It was quite late yesterday when Brady realized he hadn’t packed. I told him I would do it for him the next day. He was SO tired and he’s also caught a cold. So this morning, after sleeping through our usual morning coffee date, we said goodbye for the day and both got to work – him at Zaks and me at home.

Kids got out the door, minus the one who felt too crappy, and the three babies. The sickie hung with the babies while I packed like a maniac. (Yes. We are going to the lake. Even though we’re sick. Don’t come for me, or I’ll cough on you 😏 I tease. I won’t.) It was really handy to have a kid willing to sit with them so I could pack for myself, Brady, and the babes. Thats not a quick job, and it was so much less daunting when the babies were entertained and now wailing at the gate or tearing the house apart.

I gathered up all the clothing for everyone. Shoes, sandals , boots, jackets, meds, bottles, formula, diapers, wipes, towels, tools, and whatever else is all in a pile, waiting to be loaded into the van. The cooler isn’t packed yet, but its too soon for that. And I didn’t get to coop today to grab groceries like I had hoped to, but thats ok. We can get there on our way out. It will all work out.

Aaaaand the blog will be cut short now, as the one baby woke up right after lunch, and the others are now yelling that they, too, are awake. Back to the grind!!

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