Today was particularly delicious, so I feel inclined to share the yummy things I made with you. If you’ve followed long enough, you know I haven’t always felt especially confident (or at all confident) in the kitchen, and I’m truly enjoying celebrating some successes, as well as building some skills in the meantime. Anyway. Todays food.
I ended up staying back from church. One of our kids wasn’t going to make it, unfortunately, so me, plus aforementioned child, and the morsel made three! We stayed home and I realized I hadn’t planned lunch. In an effort to use up things that I forget about, I pulled out my tart shells and decided to make mini quiche for lunch. I realized a bit too far into the game that I was out of milk, but there was cream I could defrost out of the fridge, so it still worked out. I skipped frying bacon and chopped up leftover sausage instead. And I have to say – they came together pretty nicely!!

I made WAY too many in hopes of having leftovers to try out as breakfasts or lunch things to grab and run with. So we’ll see how those go over in the days to come.
In the afternoon, Brady finished up the yogurt he had started yesterday. It needed to sit for 24 hours, and it alarmed once that wait was over. It turned out beautifully!!! Almost no whey to scoop out! He just stirred in some vanilla and honey, and it went to the fridge! Boom! Four litres of yogurt! We do really need to get a thermometer. Thanks, Moodys, for letting us borrow yours!!

For supper, I had it in my head to make something with ham. I found ham on a good sale so I bought a few and I was quite determined to use one. I found a pretty basic meal on Pinterest that claimed to be “an easy Easter meal” but I’m pretty sure I can eat ham, potatoes, and green veggies the rest of the year as well, so I did. And it turned out!

It was supposed to all fit on one pan, but perhaps the person making the recipe for their blog didn’t cook for nine people. Even with this, almost every bite was gone. Two tiny ham pieces survived to see another day.
It was a positively delicious day, and I feel pretty happy about it. I am definitely ready for a good nights sleep, though. Someone tell the morsel. 🥱